"And people won't get suspicious of why you avoid the toilets which you generally went to every few minutes?" The plate from Officer's back is transferred to mine.

Groaning and embarassed, I'm thankful I'm in plank "Sir, I'll observe and learn his p-peeing style"

Small laughter is heard from both the men. Fuckers! They were messing with me.

"Does he do a celebratory chicken dance?" I fall from the plank and add more to my misery

"Sir?" That breaks the damn. I have never seen Sir so carefree to let loose. He covers his mouth with a fist and takes deep breaths to continue his roast like viva.

Rustom and Dan are our inside guys. We have spent hours talking to them and learning everything there is to know about them. From the people in their lives to recent conversations with colleagues - I have information that makes me feel like a gossip magazine. We have also learned their walking style, their behaviour during work etc etc by creating a similar office kind layout and making them re-live their day and create a live demo for us. I have learned his typing method and speed too.

My brain is ready to explode now.




Confident in our training, I stride in just as I rehearsed. We have gone over the whole plan a million times. It is a muscle memory now. I only have Dan's walking style now.

Each of my nerve is shot with fear and excitement but nothing shows outside. We have made it through the security checks and I think that in itself is a reason to calm my fucking heart rate down. We are in with no communication to anybody. It is now our job to get this show on road.

Arjun has already logged in his computer and I stomp down the urge to keep looking at him. We both need to look and work on our daily jobs. Nobody can suspect anything.



Clamping down my nerve to fidget, I manage to get past their security and to my desk. Imagination is a powerful thing. All I need to do is imagine that we are back at the training grounds.

Subtly extracting the pendrive from my coffee cup, I get to work. As explained by Rustom, I start with his first job of the day - approving the details of deliveries to be received during the day. Each truck number and driver is checked through the database before approval.

I try to move my fingers as fast as I can without making the sound of the keyboard too noticeable. I need a lag in Rustom's routine work to get to the system.

Adjusting my screen so that only half is visible to the camera, I snap the windows to keep making it look like I'm scheduling deliveries while I start working through the first hurdle - ensuring that my computer's IP address or markers are not on the hack.

"Hey Rustom" greeted Mike with a hand on my shoulder. Trying not to shit my pants for the screen I have opened up, I hardly hear him ask , "how was the game?"

Racing my fingers to minimize the hack screen, I turn around covering that part of the screen and answer him as cooly as I can - "It was awesome, sir. Worth every buck I spent" while trying not to look like I'm having a hard time catching my breath.

With another pat on the shoulder and a thumbs up, he leaves me positively up - atleast in terms of heart beats and reduced life expectancy.

Back in the seat, stopping my shaking fingers, I open the window and get to work again - this time with one ear firmly listening on the outside world.

Heaven in HellTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon