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Even though you voluntarily dye your grass as a bright red color, the feeling of helplessness and anger over seeing green grass on the other side is overwhelming! Right now, I was drowning in that feeling. Feeling of jealously over being stuck here with Officer Siddharth, Chief and Sir while the rest of the team is enjoying.. Probably drunk off their asses and partying or sleeping. I know I would want to do both!

What am I doing here? I'm putting my ass on display!

But I promised I would work my ass off! Yes, I know. I have to prove to him that I deserve to go on this mission and stay on this team. I just wish I knew what I was signing up for?

Well, not really! Because then, I would have never joined. I'm a certified cautious never-take-a-dare person.

"Concentrate here, Arjun"


Before those words even register, I'm on the ground! Great shot, Sir! Now, I'm going to paint myself green, black and purple too. I really should stop being stupid and fearful!

"No, stay down. Start pushing. Officer, join him" Shit!

"Viva for you, scatterbrain. Full name"

"Rustom Irfan Rastogi"

"Walking style"

"Straight back, little rounded shoulders with eyes ahead"

"Is that the complete answer?" I'm dead now!

"Umm-- right leg first, one hand on his side bag and other carrying coffee- chilled vanilla latte"

Questions start coming faster than I can do push-ups

"Nervous tick"

"Massaging his right pinky finger and no eye contact"

"Titles for office staff"

"Umm- Sir/Madam- no, ma'am for all except Tim, the secretary and Jim, the es--"

A plate of 10 kgs got added on our shoulders before the sentence was even complete.

"Reaction for constant staring"

"Squirming in his seat and hiding behind his screen"

"Peeing style?"

Umm-what? Did he just asking me about peeing style? Since when there are peeing styles? I'm no pervert who observed him peeing! Do they do that there? Fuck!!

"Peeing style, Arjun?"

"Sir, I-I.."

"Plank. Officer, keep pushing"

I try to make myself invisible, just like Chief. He is here with us, watching us train and giving instructions to Sir with no breaks but he is not visible to us.

"What about his size?"

"Does he hold it with his left hand or right?"

I remain silent, not knowing the answer to this questions. Heck, I didn't even think of these.

"So, how long can you hold your bladder?"

No answer is the correct answer here. It all depends on how much water is forced down my throat.
"5 hours, sir" I mean, a lower figure would anyways mean instant death.

"You will definitely be there more than that. What will we do then?"

Oh fuck! "Sir, I'll learn.."

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