chapter twenty-one

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Georgia's POV

My birthday is tomorrow, the boys have their last London date tonight at the hammersmith apollo. Everyone was out sight seeing today apart from Brad and I who were curled up in his tour bunk.

"I'm leaving soon" I whispered quietly as we listened to the rain hit the top of the bus. Brad didn't reply for a moment as he squeeze my hand tight.

"I know, what are we going to do?" I felt the shivers travel down to the bottom of my spine, causing my mind to be throw into a frenzy of words.

"I don't know Brad" I broke down into tears.

"I'm one hundred percent in love with you, despite how cheesy that sounds, I'm completely in love with everything about you, your personality, your laugh, your sense of humour, your looks, your body, your cheekiness, your smile. Everything! I would do anything for us to be together, I don't want to let my manager stand in way of us being together. You make me happy Georgia, without you I'm like a lost soul. Like Tom without jerry, like Bill without Ben, like scoobydoo without shaggy. Without you there's no me" my mouth cropped open, I had never seen a emotional and vulnerable side to Brad. I looked into his dark eyes, they looked so broken and unhappy.

"We can make this work?" I bit my lower lip as I turned to face Brad our foreheads touching, not breaking eye contact as he wrapped pieces of my hair around his finger.

"The only way we can is to tell Joe".

"He will go absolutely mental"

"No if it's on your birthday"

"We tell him tomorrow".

"After my interview, before your birthday party" Brad confined, he let out his pinky awaiting mine to wrap around.

"Pinky promise". Brad pressed his lips against mines soft at first but then becoming more passionate. His tongue found it's way inside mt mouth and roamed around. The kiss slowly came to an end as I rolled back.

"I think we should go and do some sight seeing" Brad agreed, then walking off to change from his joggers whilst I straightened my hair. He got dressed and pulled a beanie over his curls, within 15 minutes we were ready to leave. We headed straight towards the tube station to our first top, the London eye.

"I hate heights" I admitted as we were escorted into our pod

"Amazing choice of activity then" Brad laughed sarcastically however he squeezed my hand in reassurance. The pod door shut, leaving us another couple and a few elderly people inside. If slowly began to rise up into the air, allowing us to see over the top of London.

"Smile" Brad said as I turned around noticing he had his phone out taking photos. "Come here" he wrapped his arm around mine turning the camera to face us as we took a few silly selfies. "I can put these in your birthday college tomorrow".

"How typically white girl of you" I said sarcastically.

"It's the thought" he rolled his eyes playfully then kissing my cheek snapping a quick photo. "Remind me not to post that one till tomorrow".

"I will" I winked looking back at the view.

"Do you think that's Tristan and James?" brad asked stupidly, pointing down at the ground.

"Brad, how could I possibly tell that's them?".

"Well those people seem quite tall"

"Everyone is tall compared to you"

"Actually no" he shook his head smirking. "You aren't".

"like this I am" I grinned standing on my tiptoes kissing his nose.

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