chapter eight

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Georgia's POV
"Whose idea was it to have five people in the back?" Connor moaned as we squashed up in the back of the car. Tour day had finally arrived, our first stop was Sheffield. Tristan laughed lucky for him he was seated in the front next to the driver. But until we get the tour bus we had to squeeze in a taxi. Majority of the ride, my cheek was pressed up against the window and my legs tangled with Brads. Beside Brad was Connor stuck in the middle, then James and Charlotte. I'm guessing James and Charlotte was now a thing as they were both giggling and giving each other kisses on the cheeks.

"Blame Joe" Tristan laughed. "Anyway Con quit complaining I think I can see the venue" he peered out of the window.

"Georgia are you ok?"

"There's going to be a lot of fans there right?" I asked worriedly.

"Yeah" I gulped, huge crowds mainly ended up with me panicking. "Don't you like big crowds?".

"Not really" I bit my lower lip showing Brad a fake smile. "I'll be okay as long as you're with me". I instantly regretted my words, trying to hide the blush which was forming on my pale cheeks.

"You've got me and I've got you" Brad sung quietly in my ear making my fear ease as the taxi speed slowed down.

"Is this it?" James looked out of the window.

"Yes" The taxi driver confirmed. "Lucky for you guys no fans are waiting yet".

"Fans? Who would be fans of The Cramps" Charlotte joked as James opened the car door, all of us finally getting our personal space back. Stretching our legs, we all grabbed our own suitcases. Then following my dad's instructions he left us, we walked into the hotel. We organised our rooms, Brad and James, Tristan and Connor, Charlotte and me. Charlotte and I were told we had no jobs to do today as the boys only had sound check then the big show! Excited was an understatement, i had never seen the boys perform on stage. Once or twice I had heard them practicing down the corridor and often on the radio. We had hours to prepare ourself, so myself and Charlotte decided on a shopping trip.




Walking around the shopping cenre with Charlotte was exhausting. During the last 3 hours i had managed to buy, four tops,two dresses plus a pair off heals. I huffed impatiently as Charlotte was being sereved. "I need to sleep, my feet are killing me". I heard her laugh as she paid for her new purchases.

"Let's head into Starbucks and be the typical white girls we are" she giggled grasping hold of her new shopping bags. We found a Starbucks tucked around a corner and settled down. Charlotte ordering her a chocolate cream frappuccino blended crème and me ordering my favourite strawberries and cream frappuccino blended crème.

"You and James seem quite close" I smirked as she sipped her drink. She bit her lower lip looking shyly as she stirred the drink with the straw.

"we're keeping it quiet for the time being" she said quietly.

"Keeping it?" I questioned.

"He asked me out Georgia" she grinned. "And tomorrow night we are going on our first proper couples date".

"That so cute, I knew you two would get together" I smiled genuinely happy for them both.

"It just sucks how we have to hide it from everyone especially the fans". She signed deeply.

"But if you and James really work out you'll be able to announce it, the fans already love you for being Deans daughter"

"I'm deciding whether I should tell my dad first, but now you already know".

"So none of the boys know yet?"

"Nope, I think after tomorrow night James might say something".

"It's like a movie" I giggled.

"Moving on from my love life, what happened at nandos? You and Brad seemed off then you disappeared and came back smiling at each other".

"I was pissed off at him"


"It's nothing really, it was stupid".

"It was something if it was stupid"

"I would rather not speak about it" I said firmly.

"Georgia, you can tell me anything come on.." She comforted me.

"Well I mistaken his sister for being his girlfriend and got all jealous about it and blurted out that I like him a hell of a lot".

"What did he say?"

"He just laughed at how stupid i was and confirmed her had no girlfriend" I nodded.

"And about you liking him, what was his reaction?"

"He reacted like he didn't even hear it" I said quietly. "It's ok though, we cleared the air and I guess we are never going to be more than friends".

"Don't say that" Charlotte said trying to bring my hopes up.

"It not like it was going to work anyway because I'm only a college girl who has to go back home soon and my dad is his manger".

"There is still hope"

"I really wish there was".


Another filler opps.

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