chapter nine

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Georgia's POV
"Is it safe to come in?" Charlotte knocked at the boys dressing room door.

"No we're naked" Tristan screamed, Charlotte and I exchanged looks before deciding they were probably dressed as they were due to go on stage in half an hour. We entered the dressing room, all boys relaxing on their phones. James looked up seeing Charlotte and nudged over making a space for her to sit down. I stood there tapping my foot until Connor and Brad realised they had to move up allowing space for me to sit in-between them.

"We could have been naked you know" Brad sniggered as I sat down.

"There nothing special to see"

"Georgia, I've only told you it isn't lit-"

"Right boys" My dad walked in following by Dean and Fin. "You are due to go on set in half an hour, I'm wishing you the best of luck out there. Enjoy it, Connor mind the edge of the stage, Brad don't do many twirls you'll get dizzy. James try to keep you top on and Tristan no running up kissing Brad during Cecilia".

"Come on Joe, Connor falling off the stage is funny" James laughed.

"That was ages ago, Brad got smacked in the face. Tease him about that"

"That was actually James's shoulder fault".

"No Brad, it was your fault. You should have been looking where you was running".

"Enough boys" Dean spoke up laughing. "Girls the seats are being filled up now, you might want to make you way to yours".

"Ok" Charlotte smiled jumping up then wrapping her arms around James, whispering something in his ear. "Good luck boys" then she gave Tristan a hug whilst I hugged James,Tristan,Connor and finally Brad. The hug with Brad lasted longer than the others, hopefully nobody noticed I wasn't willing to let go.

"You'll smash it" I whispered then letting go.

"You and Brad seem close" My dad said sounding more like a question, we were walking through backstage, Charlotte and Dean in front of us having a daughter and father caught up.

"We're really good friends" I gave him a small smile.

"I hope it is just friends"

"Trust me dad, it is"

"I don't want anyone to hurt my little girl" he ruffled my hair.

"You know Brad, he's like another son to you. If something did happen you know he wouldn't hurt me".

"I'm not taking that risk"

"You won't have to" I sighed. "It's my eighteen in a few weeks" I giggled reminding him.
"Oh yeah"

"Dad tell me you haven't forgot" I said sounding hurt.

"Of course not" he nudged my arm gently. "The only problem we have is that the boy have an interview on your birthday".

"Really?" I groaned. "I'm working on my birthday".

"Don't worry after the interview we can have a small party".

"Whoop" I said sarcastically.

"At least after your birthday, tour has ended and you can head back home" I didn't response, I kept quite. I knew after tour my chances of seeing Brad and the boys again was slim. Another reason why we couldn't be together. But also Charlotte, I wouldn't see her. We had formed a close friendship these last few weeks, she as becoming my only friend. My old ones back at college hadn't even contacted me once. We found our seats, which were fairly close to the stage. Taking this opportunity I snapped a quick selfie with Charlotte and unloading it to twitter.

" @GeorgiaONevill_ ' waiting for @thevampsband with @CharlotteSherwood , don't fall Con(: '

Charlotte laughed at the tweet, rting and favouriting it before the lights lowered. The support acts were surprisingly good, Charlotte and I found ourselves sneaking to the front of the stage whilst Dean and my dad headed backstage. Then it was the mom t everyone in the venue was waiting for... The Vamps. The boys began playing the tune to wildheart as Brad took centre stage smiling into the audience as he picked up his microphone.

I was walking away,

But she's so beautiful it made me stay

I don't know her name,

But I'm hoping she might feel the same

So here I go again,

She got my heart again!

The crowd singing along to every word as Brad began to run around on stage interacting with the audience.

Tonight we'll dance

I'll be yours and you'll be mine

We won't look back,

Take my hand and we will shine

Oh, oh, oh

She needs a wild heart

I got a wild heart

Stay here, my dear,

Feels like I've been standing right here for years

My mind's beat up

Tell me that you feel this, and I won't give up

I won't give up

Tonight we'll dance

I'll be yours and you'll be mine

We won't look back,

Take my hand and we will shine

Oh, oh, oh

She needs a wild heart

I got a wild heart

Oh, oh, oh

She needs a wild heart

I got a wild heart

And I know it's late, I know it's cold

But come right here, I swear I'll never let you go

The way you move

it's wonderful

Let's do it now

Cause one day we'll both be old

During this part of the song everyone was clapping along.

Oh whoa oh

Tonight we'll dance

I'll be yours and you'll be mine

We won't look back,

Take my hand and we will shine

Oh, oh, oh

She needs a wild heart

I got a wild heart

Tonight we'll dance

I'll be yours and you'll be mine

We won't look back,

Take my hand and we will shine

Oh, oh, oh

She needs a wild heart

I got a wild heart

Oh, oh, oh

She needs a wild heart

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