chapter four

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Georgia's POV

"How do you feel?" Charlotte asked handing me a cup of coffee. I took in a deep breath closing my eyes then bringing the cup to my mouth and blew on it. I felt hungover. My stomach felt like it was on fire. My head felt 100 times heavier than usual and someone was shooting me.

"i feel dead" i mumbled. Charlotte chuckled pulling the blanket to her chin as she sat in the hotel chair opposite me as i laid in my bed, still half asleep.

"well i did tell you to slow down, you are only 17".

"a few shots dont harm anyone"

"Good i was there to take care of you before you dad saw the state you was in".

"i wasn't that bad was i?" i said worriedly.

"not really, to my suprise Brad took excellent care of you".

"aww what a sweet gentleman" i said with a tone of sarcasm. "How did things go with James?".

"Most of the night we sat and chatted, he said i looked beautiful then we exchanged numbers".

"you exchanged numbers?" i chocked on my drink nearly spiting it out over the bed.

"And he suggested the idea of going to dinner before they go on tour".

"Your going on a date with James McVey?" I nearly screamed.

"I wouldn't put it as a date-"

"But he called you beautiful, he must be interested".

"Calm down for a moment" she giggled.

"Me calm down? The other day you was talking about Brad and I having babies"

"Well.." She stopped then laughed. "Did you have a good time last night after I left you alone with Brad?"

"It was ok, I suppose" I shrugged trying to remember the vivid memory. "We spoke, teased each other and that was it".

"No number?" I shook my head. "Dayum I thought you was in there".

"He seemed more interested in teasing me than asking for my number".

"That's cute" she awwed. "Do you think you would want to see him again as in like a date?" I

I slowly shifted the blanket of my legs and walked in the bathroom grabbing my tooth brush, I didn't know much about Brad even though I spent the entire of last night in his company. I put some tooth paste on my brush and shrugged as an answer. I finished by rising out my mouth and walked out of the bathroom seeing Charlotte organising her things.

"I'm going to get changed, see you later maybe?"

"Yeah" the hotel room door shut allowing me to flop onto the bed. Thankfully it was Saturday which meant I had the day off! The was a sudden pain in my stomach indicating I was hungry, not mixing well with being hungover. I stumbled back into the bathroom, jumping in the shower. Washing my body and hair then drying myself off and blow drying my hair. I didn't make much effort into my outfit as I was only going down the local coffee shop and then probably end back up in bed watching dance moms. I wore a pair of black skinny jeans, black converse and a oversized burgundy jumper. I threw my hair into a messy bun and quickly left the hotel room.






Brad's POV

It was currently 11am, the day after the goodbye party. To say I was excited for tour was an understatement, it was a chance for myself and the boys to see all our fans and perform to them. Tour was going to be interesting especially now Georgia was coming along. Even though I've only just met her, I could tell she was different from everyone else. I was just hoping after last night I might have the chance to talk to her properly.

I decided to head over to coffee shop, craving a coffee and a late breakfast. The coffee shop was practically empty.I strolled over to the counter, running my hands together to bring a little warmth onto my skin.

"Hello welcome to coffee corner shop, may I take your order?" The waitress asked as I ran my fingers through my messy curls.

"Could I have a coffee and a large breakfast please?" I asked as I placed my hands into my back pockets pulling out a £10 note.

"I'll bring your order over to you soon" she smiled politely as I handed the right amount of cash then turning to a table.I took the further table from the window. Not wanting to be spotted by fans, I wasn't in the mood to smile and be happy when my head felt like it was about to explode. I rested my head in my hands taking in the peace, back at Connors apartment the noise was loud. All three boys still snoring, I needed to get out.

"It's little Bradley the loner" the door swung open reliving Georgia with a grin on her face. "Someone hungover?"

"Just a bit" I lied. "Looks like you are too".

"Brad I would like to remind you that you was a bad influence last night, I'm only seventeen and if my dad saw you giving me alcohol." She giggled quietly as my eyes widen.

"Seventeen? I thought you was eighteen" I gulped.

"It's ok, I usually get mistaken for my age".

"Sit down" I said. "I'll buy a coffee".

"And a large breakfast" she added. "I might be small but I could eat a elephant right now".

"Ok' I rolled my eyes playfully, noticing the waitress coming over with my order, "and another coffee and breakfast please".

"What a sweet boyfriend" the waitress said quietly causing Georgia to blush.

"Thanks for this" Georgia smiled as her breakfast and coffee was plated in front of her.

"My pleasure" I grinned as she looked down at the table shyly, her lips creasing into a smile as she began to eat her food. "So Georgia tell me about yourself.."

"You spent all last night questioning who I was" she reminded me chuckling.

"I want to know more" I bit my lower lip smiling as she tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear sipping her coffee slowly.

"Well I'm Georgia May O'Nevill and I'm seventeen years old" it felt like we had speaking for hours, I learnt so much about Georgia. About her family childhood, school, growing up with busy parents. I even told her stories about my past.

" that's how I met James". I explained as I took the last sip of my coffee.

"That's incredible, one Facebook message and now your about to head out on your headline tour".

"Yeah" I smiled as Georgia stared back truly amazed by something so simple could change tour entire life.

"Obviously I do miss my family back in Birmingham but this is my dream to perform around the world" I shrugged my shoulders, suddenly feeling quite emotional.

"Your living the dream" she said softly after a few seconds of silent. "I bet your parents are extremely proud of you".

"They are"

"Speaking about parents" Georgia placed her phone on the table noticing that she was receiving a call. "Two seconds" she unlocked her phone answering the call. "Hi Dad".

"What's wrong?" I said considered as Georgia ended the call with her dad.

"Nothing" she shook her head. "Look Brad, I've got to go".

"Don't I at least get a goodbye hug?" I asked being cheeky. Georgia smiles back pressing her face into my chest as I wrapped my arms around her petite body.


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