A Unexpected Surprise

Start from the beginning

Yang: You had me going there for a moment Y/n. You not from Remnant.

Y/n: Yang you are searching for your mother. I can actually lower the search area for you.

Yang got up in his face trying to intimidate him.

Yang: Where is she?

Y/n: All I know is that she is somewhere in Mistral.

Presley: Uncle Wolf who are these people?

I could tell that was Presley from her calling him Uncle Wolf so the other girl is Avery. Y/n started to gesture to each of us starting with Weiss.

Y/n: That is Weiss aka ice queen. The girl in black is Blake. The one that got in my face is Yang. And this-

He got next to me and kissed my cheek.

Y/n: - is my girlfriend Ruby.

Ruby: Hey isn't it someone's birthday.

Avery: Yeah mine!

Yang: So what do you want to do?

Avery: Hmm... Doggy.

We were all confused at that request except Y/n.

Y/n: Not right now Avery especially not in public.

Weiss: What's doggy?

The two girls were about to answer but Y/n quickly covered both of their mouths.

Y/n: Please not right now. Why not ice skating?

Avery: (mumbled) Yes!

Y/n: Anyone know where one is? If not Weiss could make a rink.

Ruby: Well I never really looked around but on our date I saw a sign that said ice rink.

Y/n: Then lead the way little red riding hood.

He grab both boxes from the bench and I start to lead them to the rink.

Timeskip Y/n's Pov

Avery and Presley are having fun skating. Ruby is having trouble keeping her balance on her skates, Weiss is of course fast and elegant on the ice, Yang is doing ok compared to Ruby, and Blake is sitting outside the rink reading a book. I am with Ruby and keeping an eye on Avery as she went around again. Presley is with Yang as she falls every so often and just laughs it off. There isn't anyone else here other then the people that keep the rink open.

Ruby: Y/n can you help me?

Y/n: Sure. Why not hold my hand and we'll go slow.

Ruby grabs my hand and I start off slow as Ruby comes with me. She tries to pick up the pace so we would be next to each other and try to make it romantic but loses her footing and falls on her butt and pulls me on top of her. I open my eyes to see we are inches apart from each other's faces. She noticed as well and we slowly move forward to kiss until the moment was interrupted.

Yang: You two okay.

Ruby: We're fine Yang.

I slowly get up off her as to not slip on the ice fall back on top of her. Once I was up I hold my hand above Ruby as she grabs it and I pull her up.

Y/n: Yang?

Yang: Hmm.

Y/n: You still think I was joking about me knowing the future?

Yang: Yeah it was a good joke.

Ruby: He wasn't joking.

Yang: Okay if you're so adamant for me to believe you tell me something that will happen.

A whole new World Reboot (Earth male Faunus Reader x Ruby Rose)Where stories live. Discover now