June, 2007

22 2 0

July 10, 2019
10:44 AM

Let's go back to 2007, where everything was likely the best moments of my life as a kid. I used to remember when I crossed along the pathway that morning, maybe it's my second or third day of being a Grade 2 pupil. I walked down the marble-like floor and pretended to fix my clothes 'cause I want to act nicely with my new white T-shirt on—

—I supposed to sit on the desk with two other pupils talking to each other since all of the chairs in the back corner of the room near trash can were occupied.

I sat with those guys and twirled my eyes with a teeny-tiny-bit of smirk. I'm not comfortable of being with my new classmates. They're all supposed to be friends during their Grade 1 days and I still wonder why I'm here—made to be a student of Ms. Wilma S. David and reached the star section. Yikes...

So... I waited for our morning exercises and flag ceremony when I saw you—yeah, you're on your comfortable zone while talking with those fancy-like girls and y'all laughing and laughing and laughing...

I'm about to leave the room—I felt something for the first time. No, I knew that my heart skips to beat for a while then it started to outburst like a rockstar hitting the electric guitar's string as if there's no tomorrow.

I looked at you—I wonder why I smiled that time with heat and pressure, and the bright rays of the sun hit me; oh heavenly angel!

"He's so cute," I whispered.

I can't get rid of your eyes fluttering as you close it 10 times better than my mother's cleaning detergent. No, just kidding... but I love it when you laugh 'cause it makes me laugh, too.

You're so cute with your blushing cheeks and captivating smile. I wish that I can see you even closer but—

—the bell rang. It's already 7:30 AM.

I kept my lips temporarily closed while keeping some sorts of words in my mind.

Then I learned that your name was Art—and at least you knew why I love art... that's because I loved you for the first time I ever saw you.

I can't imagine why you can't draw your favorite NBA Players that made yourself a fan of, and, I also wonder why you can't sketch a tree for you to submit it to our teacher during our English period... I don't even know why I drawn you inside my head and sketched your name in pictures... then I stopped, I knew it—LIFE IS ART, and you are my life.

After more than a decade, I'm still stucked with my old persona as a kid with full of imaginative pictures being crafted on my mind—they'll belongs to you. You were the subject of my pieces and I wouldn't mind if you want me to lend my hands on 'cause you are the owner of every things that I made, make and will make.

I realized that I can offer my heart but not everyone can own it—including you. I don't need to love you like how you used to love someone else.

Hell, yeah. I learned to love myself.

But, who cares? I can still go back to the school where everything was started.

I can go back to the place when I first met you and pretend like it was one of the best moments of my life as a kid.


—I can't go back to 2007.

If there would be a time machine, why not?

I'll gonna fix myself just like how I pretended to fix my new white T-shirt 10 times better than my mother's cleaning detergent...

...and the rest will be a history.

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