Something Essential

Start from the beginning

- The Golden Days : Los Angeles, 1954, the smog must have been 'breathtaking' -

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- The Golden Days : Los Angeles, 1954, the smog must have been 'breathtaking' -

The day progressed faster than the excellent driver would have liked it to, as he made his way home again in his silver arrow. They drove through the sun-drenched avenue of the main street and turned right into James' residential street.

This Little Bastard simply represented (almost) everything that James Dean's heart was beating for..

Freedom -

Highest good and best friend.


It was a clear fact that tonight was going to be a risky adventure..

And speed.. oh, yeah.

Slow was absolutely nothing for the brooding, all-or-nothing and dangerloving loner. So, you could imagine him as the kind of guy for whom 'soon' often couldn't be fast enough.


A refreshing shower, then James picked out the coolest jeans he could find and put on one of those white T-shirts in which Marlon Brando himself had become famous - James rolled up the sleeves of it and took a last glance in the mirror and formed a smirk.

Let's roll, Jim..

Hen gave his cat a last wink and took off with a nylon jacket over his shoulder and a touch of Knize Ten in his neck.

Marcus didn't care much about his master's busy nightlife - he had gotten his food and, above all, his milk - to him, that was all that counted.


Today Villa Capri showed itself from its liveliest side.

It took a while until his eyes met Marlon's.

Marlon Brando, in grey chinos and a short-sleeved creamwhite shirt, already awaiting him in a dim corner leaning against the wall with a drink, his bold gaze hitting James with impenitent violence, as if he had already set his sights on the velvetpawed jaguar.

But the predator shuffled casually past him, raising a corner of his mouth and suggesting to lead him to the back of the bar. With his hands shoved deeply in the pockets of his jeans and the glowing cigarette dangling coquettishly from the corner of his mouth, he went ahead - and short time afterwards, Marlon would follow him inconspicuously.

"Hey, Brando!"

Sammy Davis Jr. waved him over.

"Sorry! I can't hear you!"

Sammy, this rat.. he was the best snitcher in town. After Sammy knew IT, everybody knew it. Marlon himself knew it..

Sammy was joking around with friends on a table.

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