You thought for a moment. "The answer you'd want to hear."

"Well I know what I want to hear, so say it!"

"It's very impressive," you complimented. "Such great taste in weaponry."

"Ok, now I need to hear the honest answer," Hater frowned.

"Alright," you inhaled some dry air. "To be honest, it's not that impressive."

"WHAT?" he dropped the axe in an incredulous manner. Peepers sent a glare towards you that burned right into your soul.

Now in an impish mood you clasped your hands behind your back and said, "Well, you see, as a scientist and one who works in a technological field I was expecting...a bit more from a well-known conqueror."

"Just don't listen to her, sir," Peepers pleaded with Hater who, at the moment, was seething with anger.

You were walking the line between life and death like a tightrope, but once you started you could not stop. The plan completed in your mind was sure to work. One of the qualities that was valued in workers at your current job, SmaartLab, happened to be tenacity. You had a lot of tenacity, that was for sure.

With that being said, you were determined to get the point across that Hater's Torture Room was not the greatest in the galaxy.

"What were you planning on doing with that axe, anyway?" you pointed to the limp weapon on the floor. "Cutting my head off?"

"No! I—"

"Because you have the means to kill me, but it doesn't really make sense when the whole point of all this is to get me to talk."

"Now LISTEN!" Lord Hater stomped his foot. "I wasn't planning on killing you. Obviously this thing wasn't planned on being used for torture methods."

He tossed the axe onto the floor behind him. "This is all for display. Its only purpose is to impress whoever is exposed to all its glory."

"Oh, if that's the case, I'm still not impressed," you tapped your foot, feigning impatience.

"WHAT?!" Hater's gloved hand lit up with green electricity. For a few seconds he tried all he could to control his temper.

Such emotional instability, you reflected.

"Just for clarification, do tell me what's so unimpressive about my Torture Room?" he asked through gritted teeth.

You shrugged. "I don't know...It just seems a little old-fashioned."

"That's what everyone says," Hater muttered, crossing his arms. Shortly after his eyes bugged out of his skull.

"I-I mean, no one said that!" Hater wildly waved his hands. "No one EVER said that! Your opinions are dumb. Only an IDIOT would have opinions like that!"

"I see you speak from experience."

"Sir, don't listen to her!" the commander repeated, desperate.

"RAHHH!" he screamed, completely losing his cool. He grabbed you with one hand and brought you close to his face.

After taking a few rapid breaths, he growled, "Nothing about my Torture Room is old-fashioned. Just for the record, the only thing that's old-fashioned is your lousy opinion!"

"Heh...good one," you complimented as you made efforts to breathe with a skeletal hand "embracing" your ribcage. "But have you ever heard of this...fabulous invention called...a tic tac? Try it...sometime."

"Alright, I see you want to do this the hard way," He proceeded to throw you against the rock-hard floor. "You'll be impressed soon enough, if not shaking in fear."

The Deal (Commander Peepers x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now