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Amber didn't expect to harbor a crush on someone as obvious as him. The first few days of junior year, sitting behind Mark Pierce and his loud group of friends in English, she hadn't thought anything of it. She hadn't been planning anything of it at all. Otherwise, it was a shock to all her friends that she'd fallen for the golden boy of their cozy little world, the environment they had grown accustomed to, though it was just a mere fragment of Charlottesville, Virginia.

Normally, she wouldn't take interest in a member of the in-crowd: he was tall, for one, with blue eyes, though his brown hair perhaps wasn't the most unique part, nor his glasses; then came the week he went on a contacts-wearing streak. The same time English became enjoyable because she could observe random facts, like his Ukrainian heritage, and when he made a pact to go vegetarian for a month, but dropped it after 5 days in favor of a breakfast buffet, involving a lot of bacon.

In the end, she found it wouldn't matter. She thought it better off not to act upon her feelings. After all, that couldn't end well; insecurities aside, Amber didn't believe anyone would go for her. Besides, school. School exists. And parents. Asian parents. The kind who express one thing but mean another.

"It's the looks my parents give me when relationships are brought up. My dad says I'm free to date whoever I want. But, they'd be disappointed if I didn't go for a Thai boy."

There was no time for her to fawn over a fictional king, in his chivalrous glory, to sweep Amber off her feet.


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