"Those are boring."

"Not if you read the right one. I'll help you pick a couple."

"I wanna read the book you're named after."

"It's a poem but I'm sure we can find it in here."

She tightened her grip on my hand and stepped inside the small shop. Dust particles floated in the late afternoon sun, enhancing the feel of an old bookstore. The scent of leather and wood coated the air and reminded me of home. I loved being in my mother's library while she researched countless books. She would sit at an old redwood desk, clicking her pen as she concentrated. I always sat on the floor, my tiny back pressed against one of the walls of novels, and watched her work.

I hadn't thought about my family in awhile; it was too painful to think about them. I knew I would never see them again even though I spoke to my mother once every couple of months. I would have rather cut all ties with them.

An older man greeted us and asked something in german. I looked to Donny for a translation.

"He wants to know if he can help you find anything."

"Annabel Lee," I said.

He nodded vigorously and disappeared into the aisles. He emerged moments later holding a large book which I assumed to be Poe's complete works.

He handed me the book but I noticed it was in german.

"English?" I asked.


"He doesn't have anything in English?" I asked Donny.

Donny translated but I got the feeling the man told him no. That was to be expected. I had just hoped they might have something in English so I could read to Bridget. I knew the poem by heart but it would still be fun to read it to her along with some of my other favorites.

"He doesn't have anything in English."


"Come on, Anna. I'll read to you."

Bridget pulled me through the aisles of books, scanning them closely. I watched as she read the titles and moved on.

"You can't just read the title and pass them up."

"Why not?"

"Because it could be a good book."

"Then they should have made a better cover."

I laughed at her logic.

"Have you read Treasure Island?"


"Try to find that and the Grimm fairytales."

She ran off to look for the books, leaving me to walk alone. I traced the bindings of the books I passed, realizing how much I missed reading. I hadn't read at all since I had been here which was weird because I constantly read at home.

"Liam called," Richard said as he approached me. "He wants us back at the castle now."

"Something wrong?"

"I don't think so. You know how he gets when Mariah comes around."

"Yeah," I trailed.

I went to find Bridget but she was standing at the counter with four books, talking to the man in german. She handed over her money and pulled the books off the counter. She came over to us and handed the books to Donny.

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