2 - fight

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They had eaten breakfast and left for school together, Hyun Jae grabbed her books that she needed for the day from her house, next door. Her parents were chill about her staying at the Bang family's house as long as she texted them when she was going; that was a lot. 

"We have no classes together today..." Felix pouted.

"Ha, I have all of my classes with Jae today." Chan teased and ruffled her hair, making her turn pink, butterflies forming in her stomach.

"Lucky you, Chris!" she smiled. Felix sighed as they walked into the campus of their high school. He saw all the stares his best friend received from almost all the girls in their year; the saddest thing was that they didn't even realise. Jisung and Hyunjin were jumping up and down, waving at the three of them to catch their attention. They all gathered at their usual place for the past 4 years, the tree by the science classrooms. 

"Happy first day of senior year Hyungs... and Noona!" Jeongin smiled.

"Happy first day of Junior year, Innie!" she smiled and ruffled his hair.

"Me and Jae have class in 5, we'll see you guys later!" Chan smiled and took her by the hand. The boys waved and turned to Felix once those two were out of sight.

"Has she told you anything yet?" Minho asked.

"Yeah, at the start of summer break, she said she thinks she likes Chan, so yeah, she totally likes him." Felix nodded.

"Chan?" Jisung asked, Felix shook his head, "I think we need a plan."

"Like?" Hyunjin asked.

"Right, one of you, say to Chan that you think you like Jae and ask for help since you think that I'll probably tell her. Then, I'll confront Jae about her needing to do something about her crush. Then Chan will get jealous of whoever says it and confesses then it's happily ever after!" he smiled.

"His girlfriend?" Woojin asked, "What are we going to do about her?"

"Chan doen't talk to her as much as he used to, I think he's finally realising how much of a bitch he's dating. We have to wait until he's at the stage before breaking up."

"Huh, not bad..." Seungmin nodded.

"Who then?" Felix asked.


"You." Minho said out of nowhere. Everyone looked at him weirdly but he explained before anyone could say anything, "It would make sense, you spend almost the whole day with her and you are the closest to her after Chan, that makes it way more believable than one of us saying that we like her out of nowhere."

"No way, I think Hyunjin is a good target, she always play fights with him. Hyunjin-ah, be more flirty with her, OK?" Felix said, receiving more nods. "Ok, agreed?" 

"Agreed!" they all smiled and waved good bye, walking to their classes.

*time skip to lunch cos i'm lazy*

Hyun Jae and Chan walked out of class together, talking about a movie. 

"Nah but Cha Eunwoo is so hot." she said.

"Hotter than me?" Chan pouted, making her giggle.

"Pfft, is that even a question? Of course he is!" she laughed but stopped when she saw his disappointed face, "I'm joking, you're the best looking guy I've seen in my life." 

He smiled contently making her blush a little.

"I think Felix is really cute... which is weird because you're only a month older than him..." she thought out loud.

"What am I then? What are you trying to say, Jae?" he asked, smirking slightly.

"I-uh, well, y-you can be really cute at times but then be really, uh, h-hot? This is weird...calling my best friend in the whole world hot." she stuttered slightly, a tint of pink creeping onto her pale cheeks but laughed it off in the end.

"That's what I thought, baby girl." he smiled cutely but his voice was silky and low.

"C-chris! I told you not to call me that, at least not in public!" she whispered and stamped on his foot, he laughed at her flustered state. "You also have a girlfriend, she already hates me enough as it is... don't make it harder for me.." she mumbled the last bit.

Chan was too busy thinking about his girlfriend to hear the last bit. He was head over heels for her but he had a thing for Hyun Jae. Sometimes, when she called him her best friend, he felt a twang of pain in his heart but brushed it off, thinking about Chaeyoung. He knew that all the others said that she liked him but she denied it, which upset him a little but he subconsciously brushed it off again. 

"Channie!" a girl called in an annoying tone, Hyun Jae rolled her eyes and stopped walking with Chan. The girl ran past her and clung onto his arm. "Channie! Good morning, baby!" the girl smiled and kissed his cheek. 

"Morning, Chaeyoung!" he smiled.

Hyun Jae felt someone push past her and she fell onto the floor, dropping her phone. "Ouch!"

"Watch where you're going, Hyun Jae, you fat bitch!" the boy yelled and kicked her phone across the hall. Chan turned around almost instantly and helped her up.

"Watch your mouth, Jung Hyuk. She wasn't even in the way, watch yourself or you'll regret it." Chan threatened and checked to see if his best friend was ok. Hyun Jae nodded and looked at the floor, she could feel Chaeyoung glaring at her; it felt like there were daggers in her heart.

"Funny how you don't stand up for your girlfriend like that..." Jung Hyuk shrugged, a crowd now gathering.

"Watch it!" Chan yelled, losing his temper. He was about launch a fist at the other boy but Hyun Jae pulled him back, telling him to breathe.

"Stop, I'm fine, see? No bruises or anything. Go with your girlfriend now, don't make a scene, Chan-ah." she told him and he took a deep breath before nodding. "Good."

"Yeah, and it's funny how Chan's own girlfriend can't even calm him down like Hyun Jae can." she heard Felix's voice from behind her. She turned around and saw Felix glaring at Chaeyoung angrily. Hyun Jae let go of Chan's wrist and walked to Felix.

"Let's go, Lix." she sighed. They walked to the tree and she slumped up against it.

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