"Officer cordy,where you at?"

"Over here."I looked up and I saw Cordelia with a large boxes she tried to removed as many dust from it as possible.

She motioned for me to come see the box and I moved to stand behind her before I grinned cheekily.

We were so alike in our way of thinking and I knew instantly,we were going to be best of friends.

She informed me of her plans immediately, apparently it has worked before numerous times.

When we reached the last floor,she handed me a huge micro phone attached speaker,she placed different little speakers around the house until almost all the floors,then she gave me one and took another one.

She said there's no need to remove the speakers cause we were going to keep doing this every day.

Then I screamed...well almost untill Cordelia gave me a tap to the head.


"Together,in 1 2 3 go."

I screamed"wake up."

While at the same time Cordelia shouted something rather disturbing."Wake up cunts,all of you wake up except Samantha,you can sleep for as long as you want."

She said the name Samantha as if she was scared of her and I wondered.

Who the hell was Samantha?

How much fear did she ignite in the girls?.

We didn't have to go to the other floors before sounds of groans filled the whole building.

Message delivered.


Cordelia and I were currently in the kitchen eating breakfast,if orange juice and toast sounds like a break fast for some people,have always been more of a eater.
Well I just hope the food at the karaoke is enough if not.

Cordelia was talking about those appointed to do some certain duties,they will be an inspection after the meet,so fifty girls was to volunteer.
Apparently all the girls have been trying to get to Mr Manchester so they cancelled the volunteer option,now he's going to pick the least unwilling student,I just hope I don't get to do some stupid inspection for some crazy hormonal boys.

Then a cute girl entered,she had long brownish blonde hair and her light blue eyes were emphasized by the bright yellow gown she wore,she looked to be about twelve or ten and I wanted to ask why she was here I thought children had their own house but the slight intake of breath from Cordelia made me know that this was no ordinary girl.

Cordelia squeaked"H-hey S-samantha."

Oh so this is the Almighty Samantha.

Super cute.

"I swear I didn't know you where here,I heard from Ray who told Calvin,who told Riele who told Brittany then I overheard a conversation about you staying over at Ian's room,a-am sorry for waking you up."Cordelia rushed out in an apology.

What the hell?

Samantha smiled an obvious fake smile before she moved forward."Don't worry about it."

She looked sweet but did she she act sweet?

Then she turn to me so fast I was surprised she didn't get a whiplash.

Samantha's gaze slid all over my features as her eyes widened, she offered me a smile,real smile this time as she moved closer to me.

"Hi am Samantha but my friends call me Sam."She mumbled as her eyes continue to look me over again.

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