Caught in Consumerism

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Excessive concern about the latest social media trends

And weekly hairdresser appointments to fix split-ends

Schedules scrawled with social events stiff with stress

Low-fat foods and extreme exercise to fit a size 6 dress

"Have you seen Alice's new Mini Cooper with leather seats?

Oh, and at Joe's 40th that Lucy did the WORST outfit-repeat"

Conversations overflowing with futile facts and narcissism

First-world lives complicated by consumerism and capitalism

Money wasted on trimmed eyebrows and manicured toes

While Amazon trees are ripped from the ground or bulldozed

While turtles and fish asphyxiate in plastic-polluted oceans

Yet we turn blind eyes to protect our pitiful emotions

So forget about global warming and human destruction

While your selfish mind wastes money on liposuction

Forget about animal abuse and inhumane suffering

While Sundays are spent hungover and recovering

Go ahead, live life in blissful ignorance and self-deceit

Wasting hours on Instagram or uploading a new tweet

While Earth slowly perishes; the forests all disappearing

Remain a silent bystander, watching without interfering.

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