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Nobody's POV

That night Gray was kind of panicking when he got home. Natsu couldn't possibly be his soulmate right? They had no chemistry. They always would fight. He came up with the conclusion that it would be best to not get a clue tonight or maybe even for a few days to calm himself down.

He grabbed himself a quick snack and headed to his room. Turning on the tv in his room, he tried to distract himself from the pink haired wizard. He laid down in his bed slowly drifting off into sleep to the noise of the television.

*time skip*

  Gray was currently sitting at the table in his kitchen staring blankly ahead of him. He was poking at his cereal which was becoming increasingly soggy with his fork.

He didn't sleep well. Constantly waking up and going back to sleep. Every time he closed his eyes, there Natsu was with that stupid smile. "This is so stupid I shouldn't be worrying about this." Gray said to himself. Throwing away his now soggy cereal and placing his bowl in the sink, he decided to just take a day off from the guild.

He walked out on to the cobblestone streets of Magnolia. He decided to head to the park. Sitting down on the bench he took a deep breath.

It was nice.

No ruckus.

No one scolding him for his stripping habit.

And no Nats-

"What are you doing here ice queen?"

Gray jumped out of his seat. "Holy shit! What the hell are you doing here!"

"Jeez, didn't know you got scared so easily." Natsu scoffed, "I was on my way to the guild but then I saw you so I decided to stop by."

"Well thanks for stopping by. You can move on now!" Gray said trying to shoo off the dragon slayer.

"Wait you still didn't answer my question. Rude." Natsu huffed crossing his arms.

"I WAS relaxing until you showed up." Gray answered.

"Something on your mind?" Natsu asked.

"N-not Why would you ask that?" Gray said his face flushed.

"Why else would you be relaxing, calm down." Natsu sighed. "Since you won't tell me the truth. I will just hang with you today to try and make you less stressed, yeah?"

"What, no!" Gray retorted

"Quit denying everything I say and let me help you. We may fight a lot but that doesn't mean I don't care about you." Natsu said.

Gray could feel his cheeks heating up. He quickly turned away before Natsu could notice. "Fine whatever" he grumbled.

"Yay!" Natsu beamed grabbing the raven haired man by his arm and dragging him out of the park.

"Wow thanks for the warning. Where are we even going?" Gray asked.

"You'll see" Natsu responded with a smile. That stupid toothy smile. Gray averted his gaze to stop himself from being flustered.

"We're here!" Natsu announced. Gray looked around realizing they were at the river where Natsu and Gray used to always fight.

"Why did you bring me to the place where I beat the shit out of you." Gray asked.

"Beat the shit of me, my ass! I totally won all of the fights here!" Natsu argued.

"That is the fattest lie and you know it" Gray laughed. Natsu joined in. Gray leaned back, and laid down in the green grass, his arms behind his head.  After a few minutes of a comfortable silence, the ice mage felt pressure on his stomach.

"I thought that this place might be relaxing to you. It is for me anyway." Natsu stated as he rested his head on Gray's stomach. "I mean there is the grass, the water, the memories. I always come here when I'm stressed." Natsu explained.

Gray had been staring at the pinkette ever since he felt the soft pink hair make contact with his torso. "U-um, yeah that makes since." He cleared his throat, " Thanks..." he said quietly.

"What was that?" Natsu teased putting a hand up to his hear.

"You know you heard me with those dragon slayer ears." Gray snorted.

"Just wanted to hear you say it again." Natsu said.

"You're such an idiot, I swear." The ice mage said rolling his eyes.

Natsu chuckled "You're welcome."


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