No way

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Nobody's  POV

It was late and Gray had gone home. He was currently looking in his bathroom mirror having a mental war with himself.

'Should I get clue'

'No I don't want a clue'

'Well it would be nice to know'

He groaned and rubbed his eyes. "What can I even get?" he said aloud looking at his wrist. He finally decided on what he wanted. Hopping into his bed with a sigh he closed eyes, slowly drifting off into sleep.

'Wow never seen you here before' a voice said.

'Are you the weird soulmate thing' gray questioned.

'At your service'

'I would like a letter of my soulmates name' Gray requested


*time skip*

Gray slowly opened his eyes.

"That really happened." he said. He didn't even know what was supposed to happen after this. He'd never done this before. Looking down at his wrist to see how much his points had decreased.

"Getting a letter was more expensive than I thought it would be." He said getting up from bed to brush his teeth. After brushing he headed downstairs to make breakfast before heading out.

There it was. On top of the counter there was a piece of paper that he had seen his friends flaunt around the guild. He picked it up and turned it over.


"My soulmate's name has a t in it..." Gray said. He didn't know what letter he was expecting but he definitely wasn't expect a T. He didn't know a lot of people that had a t in their name. His mind kept coming to his pink haired rival, and it got him kind of nervous.

There was no way that Natsu of all people could be his soulmate. He convinced himself he was jumping to conclusions even thought deep inside he still felt uneasey.

He decided to just eat some bacon eggs then he headed to the guild. He plopped down at a table. He was usually there earlier than the rest of his team, so none of them had arrived yet. Mira walked on over to his table setting down a glass of water.

"You look stressed." Mira commented sitting across from him. Her eyes immediately looking at the ice mage's  wrist to see if he took her advice.

"Is it about the clue you got?" Mira asked.

"Yeah..." Gray said meeting mira's eyes , "I got a letter of my soulmates name. And it was the letter T."

"Ok so what about that has got you stressed." Mira asked.

"Well my mind keeps going to Nats-"

As if on cue, in came the fire dragon slayer. Gray clamped his mouth shut, hoping that his dragon ears hadn't picked up on what he was saying.

"Morning Mira, ice block." Natsu greeted taking a seat.

"Good morning Natsu." The takeover mage smiled.

"What were you guys talking about?" Natsu asked.

" just about the new sorcerer weekly magazine." Mira said getting up to head back to the bar. Gray has to thank her later for that save.

"Woooaaaahhhhh!" Natsu said eyes wide.

"What?" Gray asked snapping his eyes that had looking anywhere but the pinkette to him.

"Your points dropped." Natsu said. "Did you get a clue😏"

"W-what?! No! I would never-"

"Aww come on show meeeee" Natsu whined.

"No way in hell flame brain" Gray said his palms starting to sweat.

Natsu huffed crossing his arms and pouting.

Gray would say he looked cute. Gray's cheeks began to tint a light pink. This is NOT what he needed right now not after the clue.  He turned his eyes and face away from  Natsu trying to get his emotions under control.

"Fuck" he muttered. Natsu tilted his head.


"Nothing! Nothing stop asking damn questions" Gray said.

"Then tell me what you got" Natsu said.

Gray pulled out the slip of paper between his fingers. Sticking his tongue out, "not a chance."

Soon enough the two boys were at each other's throats . Playing tug a war with the small price of paper. Mira smiled at them.

Erza then walked in, immediately going to stop the Natsu and Gray from fighting.

"Stop it this instant!" She glared.

Gray and Natsu jumped apart. The paper being left in Gray's hands.

"Yes ma'am"

"Aye sir"

"What are you two even fighting over this early." Erza questioned.

"Gray got a clue and he won't tell me" Natsu said pointing at the ice mage.

"You got a clue?" Erza asked.

Gray rolled his eyes. This was going to be a long day.

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