I'll think about it

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Nobody's POV

Natsu and happy bursted through the double doors of the guild.

"Hey Natsu!" Mira smiled from the bar. Natsu walked towards Mira, a big grin on his face while happy went chasing after Carla.

"Hello Mira." Natsu beamed.

"What's got you in a such a good mood?" Mira asked already finishing up Natsu's breakfast, knowing his usual order.

"Well last night I got another clue." Natsu said rummaging through his pockets and holding out the white piece of paper.

"Oooo! Let me see!" Mira squealed taking the paper from the dragon slayer and reading it. "Interesting" she said giving Natsu his breakfast that could feed a pack of wolves.

"I know!" Natsu said stuffing his face, "I think it means their personality" he said, his voice muffled.

"I think so too" Mira said smirking.

Natsu swallowed, "what's with that weird look?"

"Oh nothing." Her face went back to her regular smile wiping glasses with a towel. Ever since Natsu had gotten his first clue she had been trying to figure out who his soulmate was.

Blue eyes definitely ruled out a lot of people, but it also kept in a lot. Thanks too this new clue, she had gotten rid of more people. She had a guess of who it was, but she wasn't going to tell Natsu or his supposedly soulmate. She was just gonna give her guess a push in the right direction.

After chowing down his meal. Natsu went up to his team's table. "Hey guys!"

"Hello Natsu." Erza greeted.

"Sup" Gray said. And Lucy waved. He took a seat next to lucy.

"I got another clue last night if you guys want to read it." Natsu said passing the quote to Lucy.

Gray scoffed.

"I don't understand you sometimes. How can you not want to find someone that is perfect with that your going to spend the rest of your life with." Lucy said passing the quote to Erza.

Erza read the quote, "this quote is pretty cool."

"I think so too" Natsu said. Natsu went on on about what it could mean. Gray had zoned out of it. He decided to go to the bar instead of listening to all that love crap.

"Change your mind about your soulmate yet?" Mira questioned.

"Not you too!" He groaned.

"I know it's not really your thing, but why not give it a shot. You literally have nothing to loose except for some points. Your soulmate will always be there for you. You guys will find each other at some point by fate. I know you don't like surprises, so why not get a heads up on who it is." Mira reasoned.

Truth be told Gray had forgotten that fate pulled himself and his soulmate together. He honestly just kind of expected to be by himself.
And he definitely didn't like surprises. He would never admit it but it would be kind of nice to know who it is. Of course he would play it cool on the outside tho.

"I'll think about it" he grumbled.

Behind that mask that people wear, there beats a heart of fire


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