Hamliza || Chains

Magsimula sa umpisa

 "Whatcha doing?" She questioned, her voice was a little sore.

"Work, it's not really interesting." He replied, fixing his mask over his face. 

 "Glad you ate, how did it taste?"

"It was okay I guess..." She sighed softly, bringing her legs up to her chest. She bit her lip before asking a brave question. 

 "Why do they want me...?" She knew he might not be able to answer but she still wanted to know.

"They want money, that's what they were after, you were just on the wrong spot at the wrong time." He replied.

"But how would they know, who I am, how much I'm worth? And all that?" She huffed crossing her arms and staring at him.

"They've... Hired a hacker to... Spy on your family..." He looked at his laptop.

"Is that you?" She pressed getting annoyed by his answers.

"... I didn't have much of a choice...."

"So it is you?" She stood up, walking closer to him.

"... I'm sorry, I didn't have a choice."

"You can hit me if you wish."

"Your not the one tied down! For goodness sake!" She sighed having to physically hold her arms down to stop her from hitting him, she had Angelica's temper sometimes. 

 "You could've picked anyone else! Why my family! Why me?!" She cried, her arms crossed over her chest.

"I... I had no choice, I'm sorry... It was supposed to be like a pet, but you were in the wrong time, I told them not to but... They don't listen..."

"I guess it's not your fault..." Eliza huffed tears in her eyes as she sat down again. "Whats your name...?"

"... I can't tell you my name, I'm sorry, call me Ham if you want, I know stupid name.."

"It's cute. Ham. Hammy- Woah. Imma really annoy the hell out of you- sorry." She rambled.

"Pfft... It's fine, I find it cute."

Eliza furrowed her brows. He found her annoying him cute? Whatever. She looked around again. 

"How long are they going to keep me here?" She asked, fiddling with the clasp round her ankle, trying to see how easy it was to take off.

"Not too long, they're sending a message to your dad, we don't want him to be able to call the cops so they want him to pay up at midnight tomorrow."

"... Your scamming my father for money in return for me?" She said, still fiddling at her ankle, concentrating. 

 "That's outrageous, I hope he refuses!" She added.

"... I hope he doesn't... For your sake..." He frowned, looking over at her.

"Why? Would they do something to me of he doesn't-?! They wouldn't dare-" She rambled.

"... If they don't get what they want they... Sometimes resort to more... Violent outcomes..."

"I don't want them to scam my father. It is cruel. I would rather suffer. My father has done more than enough..." She shook her ankle, clearly struggling and getting frustrated.

"... I wish you hadn't come outside today..." He muttered to himself.

"What was that? I couldn't hear you?" She asked, not even bringing her eyes up to meet his.

''You.'' || Hamilton OneshotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon