Hamliza || Off

370 14 8

Sad and Short. 

Eliza woke up in the morning with a slightly tear stained face. She sighed shakily, running a hand through her hair. Alexander must've already gotten up since he wasn't in bed by the side of her. Eliza walked to her wardrobe and then she was hit with what day it was. She grabbed a little black dress and put a cardigan over it.

She left the bedroom and dragged herself to the kitchen. Eliza raised her eyebrows, scanning the scene. Alexander had made her... breakfast? Unusual.

"Surprise?!" He laughed, gesturing for her to sit next to him where some pancakes and a juice lay.

She nodded slightly before sitting down and staring at the food. She shook her head, picking up her knife and fork and cutting off the smallest slither of pancake. Now it was Alexander's turn to raise his eyebrows. Eliza didn't even put it in her mouth, she just silently excused herself from the table.

"Eli..." Alexander stood up, catching her hand as she turned away.

"Please eat something..."

Eliza just shook her head, gently shaking her hand out of his. She disappeared back to the bedroom. Alexander was a bit shocked. She was never like this. He just shook it off and started to look through his work papers.

Alexander was after a certain document, and he had no luck finding it, Alex knew Eliza would know where it could be, so he decided to ask her. He gently pushed the bedroom door open and found her staring at a wall. He frowned but then called her name.

"Eliza? Baby have you seen my papers?"

She shrugged getting up and walking to the desk in the bedroom, point at a pile of papers. Alex trailed behind her as she walked to his office.

"Eliza are you alright? You seem off, sweet."

"Im perfectly Fine." Her voice cracked and it was obvious that she had been crying.

She pulled open a draw in his office and found his papers, She gently placed them in his arms and he placed them on the desk. She closed the draw and turned. But Alexander was quicker, he placed a small kiss on her forehead.

"Thanks Baby."

She gave him a small nod and then walked to the door.

"I will be in the garden..." her voice cracked again. Alexander sighed, this was not Like Eliza one bit.

Eliza walked Into the garden barefoot while it rained, she didn't care at all at this point. She sat in the middle of the garden and cried. She wasn't going to be able to keep this up. Her light had gone. Her joy. Alexander was sat in his office when the phone rang, confused he answered it anyway, resting it between his shoulder and ear and reading through a paper.


"Alexander! Hi... it's good to hear your voice.."

"Ah Angelica..."

"How are you Alexander?"

"Im well thank you. "

"And Eliza... how is she holding up?"

"Glad you asked, She really isn't herself. Do you know what is going on?"

"She hasn't told you?" Alex heard Angelica growl and mutter something along the lines of That Girl!

"Told me What Exactly...?"

"Peggy.... She left us yesterday morning...."

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