Thomgelica || Mr. and Mrs. Powell Part 2

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"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" He grinned, stopping the car, not too far from her house. "I'll see you tomorrow, dear?" He asked with a smirk.

"...You need to change how you look, just a little two. Dont forget..." She reminded, opening the car door and stepping out. "Oh... And One More thing-" She leaned in again, pressing a short, soft kiss to his cheek and then she closed the door behind her. She gave him a little wave as she opened her house door.

"I will. I'll figure it out, maybe put my hair up in a ponytail." He said, nodding.

 "Hm?—" He hummed, but frowned when he felt a soft kiss being pressed on his cheek. His entire face heated up, he waved back as a wide smile appeared across his face. He sighed softly, he wasn't aware for the future, he didn't know if things will go well or get screwed up, yet was even more excited to spend time with Angelica. Just the two... But! It's just a mission. Nothing could possibly go wrong,Right?...

Angelica was sat at her vanity, Everything was packed neatly into her cute little 'The Lion King' Suitcase that she bought in the Disney store. She was currently undertaking her 'transformation'. Angie was nervous, to say the least. But she'd taken a bit of a liking to Thomas...
Her file was coded into a text and everything was ready. She just needed to put her shoes on and finish her hair and makeup. She had her car bag packed, and she even baked a few treats. Ever the waitress. She finished her makeup, admiring herself in the mirror. She slid her flats on, taking her bags downstairs and picking up her cute blazer to wear over her dress. A signature style of Angelica's.

Thom didn't really had much to do. He asked from Sally, his maid, to pack him a suitcase with some outfits and underwear for five days. He pulled his hair up in a messy ponytail, which made him look kind of adorable, but ridiculous. He didn't care, as long as he didn't look completely like himself. He was wearing a casual outfit, though he knew everybody there would be dressing up fancy. He didn't want to look fancy. Thomas got packs of cookies, snacks and two bottles of water. It was an eight hour drive, after all. He knew the two would only get there in the evening, so he asked Sally to make four meals for him and Angelica, just in case there wouldn't be any restaurants around. When everything was prepared, he left the suitcase and a bag with all of the meals, snacks and water on the back seats. He waved goodbye to his maid as he started the car, making his way to Angelica's house.As he arrived, he decided to call her. He waited until she would answer, leaning against his seat.

Angelica was leaning against her kitchen counter, reading through the file one last time. She saw her phone buzz and picked it up.

"Heya Ollie." She laughed, already getting into character. She had slightly changed her accent, it was softer now, making her sound like she was still in college. Or in her words: Attractable . She placed the phone on speaker, pouring some mint tea into her travel cup.

"Good morning, my angel," Thom said, grinning slightly. "I'm waiting outside of your house. Coming?" He asked, taking a sip from his water bottle.

She laughed, screwing the lid on her cup. "Yeah, Im coming out now, Got room for my case?" She asked, putting her charger, file and cup in her bag.

She opened the front door, placing her case and bag by the side of the door and she turned, locking it again.

"I got all the room in the world for you and your case," Thom answered, putting his phone on speaker.

"Ha. Ha. I see you. Cya in a few." She laughed, ending the call and taking her things over to the car.

Angelica had changed quite a bit, Her hair was straightened, left down, tumbling down her shoulders. Her make up made her cheekbones look higher, and the slight bags under her eyes were gone. Her lips were a softer colour, peachy and plump. Her eyes were now a softer brown, and her face looked a little more round. A faint hint of pink was splattered across her cheeks and her crease lines were gone. She had really outdone herself.

Ange was wearing a soft pink dress that reached mid-thigh and a small white blazer covered her shoulders. She had small white flats to match the blazer and a small ring adorned her wedding finger. The ring was made of silver and hosted a small gem that shone in the sunlight.

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