Thomgelica || Mr. and Mrs. Powell Part 3

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Angelica awake not long after, the sun was still up and well, so was she. She sat herself up in bed, reading Thomas' or, 'Ollie's' note.

"He's such a dork." She whispered to nobody in particular and a small smile had crept upon her face.

She finally threw the covers off of her, taking a quick shower and fixing her hair and makeup. She picked out a deep green, long sleeved top with a square neckline... maybe a little revealing. She threw a plain white skater skirt on too, tucking the shirt in and pulling the skirt up a little so they looked like one piece. She slid on the same white flats as yesterday and left, taking the room key and her phone with her.

She managed to navigate her way to the elevator, pressing the button and waiting.

Thomas was at the bar, having a conversation with some random people about his fake life, taking another drink, then another, and another. Those people weren't so bad, they all had some interesting opinion and their conversations were funny.

Angelica wondered down into the lobby, spotting Thomas' crazy hair and making a bee-line towards him.

"Hey Love..." She said softly, standing next to him.

Thomas was laughing historically, now, slightly drunk. "I can't believe I got that one! I'm not even from around!" He spoke loudly, laughing with the bunch of other rich people.

Angelica quietly slid her hand into Thomas', leaning up to press a short kiss to His cheek. "I see you've made friends..." She smiled softly, leaning her head against his shoulder.

"Oh! You're awake!" He said, his cheeks slightly heating up at the kiss. He wrapped his arm around Angelica's waist. "Those are Angela, Charlie and Steve." He said, introducing the random people he just met, which were clearly not their names. The three laughed. "I was actually planning to go back to our room, so shall we?" He asked, looking down at his 'wife'.

"Whatever you wish," She laughed, looking at the three guys before leaning up and pressing a short kiss to his lips. She waved a quick good bye to the gentlemen and let Thomas led her out.

He frowned at the kiss, going away from the guys. He stepped into the elevator, Angelica by his side. "..Your lips are soft.." He mumbled out, taking a glance at the other.

"Liked that, did you?" She laughed, pressing the button for their floor.

"..Mhm.." He muttered, yawning. "You also smell good.-" He said, wiping his eyes.

"Your tired." She laughed. Stepping out of the elevator, and walking towards their room.

"..Mm.. I'm not!.." He lied, yawning and following her into their room.

"Mhm, And Im perfect. Dont lie to me." She said as she unlocked the door.

"I'm sorry.." Thom muttered lazily, hugging the other as he pressed a kiss against her head.

"Damn right your sorry." She sassed with a small laugh.

"..Don't be mad, I'll cry.." He muttered, pouting.

"Someone is just like a child when they are tired, I see?" She laughed, closing the door once they both entered the room.

"Am not!" He muttered, burying his face against the other's neck, letting out soft breaths against it.

She relaxed into his touch before pulling back. "If you keep doing that I just might have to kiss you again." She grumbled, slightly annoyed with herself.

"I mean, I wouldn't mind.~" He teased, grinning. He playfully pat her head.

"..." She felt a small blush creep up her cheeks as she locked the door. "No- I mean- We- I- uh-" She stumbled over her words. How had he made her so flustered? Nobody had ever really had this effect on her.

"Well?" He got his face slightly closer to hers, not too much, to not get a slap across his face.

"..." She couldn't say anything; Correction, she didn't know what to say. She just stared softly into his eyes as she debated her next move.

No slap yet, that's a start! He slowly got his face closer and closer, hoping not to get punched now. He slowly pressed his lips against her with a passionate kiss.

Angelica froze at first, but she quickly got the idea, kissing back with just as much passion, if not more.

He slowly wrapped his arms around the other. Were they actually making out now?! He tried to deepen the kiss as long as he could, though nothing lasts forever.He slowly pulled away and opened his eyes, his breaths were heavier than before. "..Whatever happens here, stays in here, alright?.." He asked in a soft tone.

She took a second to catch her breaths, raising a hand to her lips gently before putting her arms by her side. "If that's what you want..." She breathed out softly, looking up at him.

"..Hey, no no, that's not what I want, it doesn't matter what I want.." He said, gently cupping the female's cheeks.

"Let's just... see where this thing goes." She smiled, pressing their lips together again, with just as much passion.

He nodded, slowly pressing his lips back, his heartbeats rushing. He slowly pulled away after a short while again. "..But!" He rumbled, "We're here for the mission!" He said, then pursed his lips, his entire face red now.

"Technically- This is part of the mission..." She pointed out after a bit of thought as she sat on the edge of the bed

Thom frowned, thinking for a second. She was, at some point, correct. "Are you comfortable with- well, this?" He asked, blinking at her.

"Im fine with it..." She whispered softly.

"I hope you understand I mean more than making out," He muttered.

"Dont disappoint me then Love." She laughed, standing up and leaning to crash her lips softly into his.

"But—" He felt lips against his, kissing back. One thing led to another.

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