They feel it. The energy pulsing from him to her. The point of entry and the point of depart. All at once, Hope feels every one of their group leading a path to Erik. Then, she feels the dull ache in his heart.

He feels the fire, suppressed for far too long, burning inside of Hope. She was aptly named after all. Hope has been beaten down, and Erik desperately craves to rise with her.

"I like girls and boys," it's the first time Erik confesses this to Hope. Or to anyone. However, her eyes are so bright he doubts that she even hears him.

"Thea's voice has been ringing in your head," she tells him, the soft beginnings of a smile forming on her lips. "You feel her strongest because she went into you. I feel all of our echoes because it came into me last."

Erik doesn't know what to offer, so he just nods.

Hope looks up at the stars above her. Slowly, she lowers her hand from Erik's face, and the solar system grows dimmer. It is still beautiful nonetheless.


"Jamie," Wes exhales into his phone as he pushes himself down the street. The skateboard isn't moving fast enough. "Where are you?"

"On my way home," Jamie answers. Besides the panic in Wesley's voice, all Jamie can hear is the sound of his shoes clicking against the sidewalk. He makes himself stop. "Not my house, like the apartment, but the place where my brother and I grew up. Like, the one after we were adopted... I'm rambling. Why do you ask? Do you need me?"

Wesley blows a strand of hair out of his eyes. "Any chance that they live near the Jones'?"

Jamie looks around him, staring up the hills of Hamilton. The farther from the centre, the richer you get. Well, yeah, Jamie's foster parents have money, but not anywhere near Jones's money. They live probably two miles up the hill.

"Where's June?" Jamie asks. His fist clings desperately to the phone as he books it up the hill. Fuck, he is not athletic. "Weren't you on June duty?"

"Yeah, see I've got no idea where she went," Wesley begins. "So, I'm on the way there."

"I am too, but I can't run and talk," Jamie pants. "I'll meet you there."

Jamie hangs up the phone and begins to sprint to the house. He is sure his brother will understand that he has to reschedule movie night again, right? At least, Jamie hopes so.

The two converge on the house at the same time. Wes jumps off his skateboard and grabs it in his hands just as Jamie reaches him. The boys, both panting, face each other.

"Hey," Wesley exhales. He raises his fingers to his hair, pulling it out of his face.

Jamie tries to smile, but his mouth hangs open in shock. He tries to compose himself as he pants. "Hey."

The pair look up at the giant manor in front of them. June is behind those doors, at least they hope. Maybe it is better if they don't find her. God knows what the future entails for any of them.

"We should go inside," Wes suggests.

Jamie nods, coughing as he catches his breath. He finally pulls himself up into a proper standing position, facing Wesley. "Yeah, we should."

Neither of them moves towards the house.

Wesley grabs Jamie by the collar of his jacket and kisses him. Like always, Jamie is caught off guard. He wraps his hands tightly around Wes, delicately taking some of the boy's hair in one hand. The two stand for a second, Wesley pulling Jamie up towards him, locked together.

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