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Hyunjins P.O.V

It's been a few hours since chan and I stopped talking because he actually needed to sleep. But I stayed awake the rest of the night thinking, thinking about what could possibly come from this, what chan really wants and am I gonna get hurt again, can I risk getting hurt again?

I cant believe that I'm letting him get into my head like this again, especially so fast. I thought these feelings were gone, lost forever. But after this they've all come rushing back in a tidal wave I cant control. Even though I forgave him a while ago, I'm still reminded of the pain I felt when he left and how broken I was. I'm not fully healed now, but my friends are slowly helping me. Although now it seems that I'll never truly be the same again..

The sudden burst of bright yellows and vibrant oranges plucks me from my thoughts and brings me back to reality
"Shit I stayed up all night, pleease dont let minho notice.. I cant afford to have my ass beat today" (wink wonk, sorry I'll leave)



It's been 3 hours and I havent gotten a single step right today. "Fuck you bang chan"


Minho's shouts snap me out of my daze and I retake my beginning position

"he had to be in one of his bitchy moods today didnt he? Today of all days, it had to be today?"

Minho restarts the music, but not 1 minute in I'm lost again and making felix almost fall over

"Mr hwang? A word if you will"

I quickly lift my head up and pull a face of confusion, but all I get from minho in return is a raised eyebrow

"great, now I'm in shit"

"What's wrong with you today?" Minho questions me as soon as I step out of the studio doors

"N-nothing I just didn't sleep well last night, I got caught up with cha- an old friend..."

I cant believe I almost let that slip, Min would kill me if he found out I was talking to chan last night.

"Caught up with an old friend, huh? He couldnt possibly go by the name of bang chan?"


My eyes widen and my jaw drops but I quickly correct my facial features.. but obviously not fast enough, because minho smirks and continues,
"Heh, thought so. As long as you're fine with risking your heart again then so am I. But what I'm not fine with, is you lagging in class and stopping everyone else from moving on. So snap out of it and focus"
And with that he left to go back into the studio, leaving me standing in the hall looking like a moron.

"I knew meanhoe could be mean, but jesus. What made him extra bitchy today?"

I decide against pondering about this for long because Minho will hit me if I dont hurry up, so I shake my head clear and focus myself up.. "do not let him take over your life again, look at where it got you last time. It's time to dance, not think about your highschool crush."

*Time skip bc I'm a lazy hoe*

I finally got home and after reluctantly leaving my shower I decide I need to talk to someone (not chan by the way, I'm not that desperate...)

hey, hey felix
bitch you better come
get your phone
I'll get minho on you
I won't hesitate bitch..

alright calm your
tits drama llama
fine, I wont talk to you


ugh fine
What do you want
whore, I was busy
stalking changbin

(a.n - if hyunjin is crushing on chan stil I think yall could guess felix is crushing on changbin.. or the other way round..)

obviously you were,
but it's a good thing
you brought him up
bc I'm having a
dilemma with one
of his friends..

oh chris again?
minho mentioned something
about him earlier.

"Of course the mean bitch did. God I hate it
when he acts like a witch"


*le sigh* ofc he did
idk what to doo
bc idk what he
wants after 2 years
and I still love him,
but I dont wanna
get hurt like I did

so lemme get this straight..
bang christopher chan, the
man who unintentionally
broke your heart, messaged
you last night, and you
stayed up all night talking
to him. plus you're still in
love with him.. after
everything he put you
through, that me and
minho had to deal with
for months while he
started a new life
without, presumably,
giving 2 shits abt you?

well when you say
it like that ofc it
sounds bad

it's only gonna become
bad after you make a

and what decision
would be?

whether or not your
dumbass keeps
talking to him.
bc in the end
that's the difference
between your
happiness and
your sadness

Hello there, I've been out of inspo for a few days and I was busy crying yesterday lmao. Anyway: comment, vote, follow whatever.. just hope yall had a good day :)

Edit - I'm gon a post a chan chapter tmw bc this book is already severely lacking

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