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Renjun's alarm rang loud throughout his room. He rolled over and looked at the time. The clock read 'seven thirty' which meant that there was about one hour and a half before school started again for a new year. He obviously didn't want to go, seeing as he was going to a new school after he got bullied in his last one because he never really spoke.

But what was the point on being sad about it? He's who he is and he would never change even if some fuckers like the other people at his school bullied him about it.

Yes, as you can tell, Renjun is shy and he's very quiet. No, he's not a mute, but people would think he was, but he's not. He just can't find the courage to talk to anyone or say hi, he normally only spoke to his parents anyways. After all, they're his parents, he needs to talk to them about a lot of things; like his problems, his grades, new friends if he ever got any and about his day.

He actually always wished that he wasn't as quiet and shy as he was, making friends was a thing that never happened because of it. He never made any friends at his old school, so he was expecting to make any at his new one.

He got up out if his bed and kicked something on the floor, he looked down to see his moomin plushie and picked it up with a smile. He must've knocked it out of his bed last night, he had thought to himself, fixing his bed and setting moomin gently in the middle of his pillows.

In his last school he was allowed to wear his own clothes, but his parents had told him that he had to wear a uniform now. They also told him that it was a way better school and it was a bigger opportunity for his future life. Which he kinda agreed with, which made him a little happier about the school change; even though he never really cared what school he was in, just as long as he got good grades he was alright with it.

He sighed softly and opened his wardrobe to see his uniform nicely hung up on his rack at the very front, it was like it was trying to tell Renjun to wear it and of course he had to. His Mother was ironing and washing the clothing two nights before, making sure there were no dirt or wrinkles on them for the first day at his new school.

They wanted him to make a good impression to all the teachers, the principal and students.

"Wow." He said, as he lifted the uniform off the pole. It had a white buttoned up shirt underneath a maroon coloured jumper, the material was nice and thick; perfect seeing as the cold weather was coming into season. The bottom half were just simple black slacks and white shoes. Renjun could already see himself in the uniform, looking fine as ever.

Of course he'd look fine as ever, he's Renjun.


𝚚𝚞𝚒𝚎𝚝. 𝖱𝖤𝖭𝖬𝖨𝖭Where stories live. Discover now