I sighed and got out of the bed, I did my daily routine in the washroom and headed downstairs. "Jenna? Jenna?" I called.

"Jenna isn't here" a guy said looking at me from the bottom of the stairs. "you must be Miley"

"you must be the system child" I said as I assessed him. He was quite tall, hazel eyes and black hair with khaki pants and red shirt.

"wow, you are real sweet" he scoffed.

I frowned and got down the stairs walking past him into the kitchen. "what are you doing here?" I asked when he followed me into the kitchen.

"it's the charity event day, Jenna told me to get you to the hall" he said. "and you aren't even ready"

"I can get there myself, you go ahead of me I can take care of myself " I said pouring the coffee in a mug.

"yeah, I was gonna do that but your annoying aunt didn't allow me to enter the hall without you. So get the fuck ready" he snapped.

I shrugged and took sips of my coffee slowly and peacefully while he glared at me. After taking my own time in finishing my coffee and making sure he didn't follow me to my room like a creepy person he looked, I bathed and made an effort to get ready a little longer than usual.

I brushed my hair for one last time and grabbed my handbag and made my way downstairs. I took the house keys and wore my black heels. I got out of my house and closed the door and turned around to find the guy standing near a Tesla ,model X car. I walked towards the car and eyed it . "I didn't know orphans could afford this " I stated.

"I am pretty sure I don't have to explain myself to a girl who can't afford even half of this " he said.

"please " I scoffed ."I can afford cars much better than this "

"just get the fuck in " he said rolling his eyes as he got on the driver's seat.


"dammit, Caden you were supposed to be here thirty minutes ago " Jenna said as she gave me a short hug while glaring at Caden.

"Blame your niece, she took majority of the time to get ready " Caden grumbled.

"who are they ?" I asked pointing to the guy near an elderly man in an attempt to change the topic. They both looked wealthy, wearing a suit which looked costly and shoes and watches all looked costly.

"that is Mr Andrews and his son " Caden said looking at them with a glare.

"that your boss ?" I asked Jenna pointing to the white haired guy.

Jenna nodded her head. " and that is the stupid son you told me not to interact with ?" I asked pointing to the guy near Mr Andrews. He looked pretty hot from behind, blond hair, visible biceps, cute butt. 

Caden gave Jenna a glance,while she answered "yeah, lets head in. The event is gonna take place in a couple of minutes "

" I am gonna hang out at the back. If you need help don't call me" he said and walked away from us .

"how do you hang out with him, he is a dick" I said watching him leave.

" well since I can to handle you he is no biggee " she said shrugging her shoulders.

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