Chapter 35

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Haze Pov.

I entered Mr Owen's room, our math teacher, to find him engrossed in a book that he was reading while listening to music. I took my book which had some problems that I had trouble solving and placed it on the table. He gave me a pointed look and unplugged his earphones and took the book in his hands. His eyes scanned over the questions as I aimlessly looked around the room. In a swift second I saw Miley sprinting across our room, I scrunched my eyebrows and walked to door to see her, but she was long on.

That was weird.

Miley's wounds were getting healed, but her bruises were still in purple so she used a whole lot of concealer on her today. And to explain her makeup, she had worn a scandalous outfit.

And with the outfit she had worn and the injuries which are still healing, running in her condition was almost impossible. But that was Miley and she never did impossible. How her petite body managed to kill people is something I don't think people want to find out.

"Mr Andrew, if you are done staring at the walls could you come here so I that I can help you with these problems you have doubt in "Mr Owen snapped.

I gave him a glare but nodded my head nevertheless and stood beside Mr Owen.


The cafetaria was busy as usual and the table we usually occupied was busier. I walked to the corner table which was surrounded by a lot of people, some standing, some sitting, some annoying. I sighed and sat next to Nicole and eyed the senior sitting on Alex's lap. Not a moment later a girl sat on my lap, I sighed and adjusted that girl on my lap and turned to Caleb.

"Have you seen Miley?" I asked him.

"I think she left. Something urgent came up" Nicole replied.

"is it Jenna? " I asked.

"I don't know, I don't think so " she mumbled munching her burger.

" Speaking of, did you talk to Jenna about the contract?" Vincent asked.

"Not yet. She said she will give me a call, but she hasn't yet" I said, as I took out my phone to see if I had gotten any missed calls from her.

"We have to do it fast. Things are getting.... " Vincent trailed off.

"I know. I will take care of it " I mumbled with a sigh, right then the senior turned to look at me and asked" free tonight? "

" not fair, sitting on my lap and asking him for sex " Alex said, pouting lightly.

"We can have threesome, I don't mind" she said, wriggling her eyebrows.

Alex and I grimaced as Nicole and Caleb burst out laughing, I stood up with a shudder pushing the girl on my lap away and made my way out of the cafeteria, Nicole and Caleb were still laughing while they followed me. I gave them a glare and took out my phone and dialled Jenna's number.

"Hey, Jenna. I thought we could talk about the contract? " I asked.

"We can meet at Starbucks for a coffee and discuss this matter. Okay? " she snapped.

"O-kay, I will be there soon " I mumbled as I looked at my phone with a frown.

I sighed and slung my bag over my shoulder and made my way to my car, I placed my bag on the seat adjacent to the driver's seat and drove to Starbucks.


After ten minutes of waiting Jenna entered, she had the typical work attire, a messy bun, a white shit and a pencil skirt. She kept her bag down and sat in front of me. She smiled and ordered a cappuccino and took the papers from her bag and placed it on the table.

Finding MazeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora