The Bedroom Picnic

Start from the beginning

"Okay mommy. Can I call him?"


I took my cellphone from my pocket and called Jevan. He answered after the first ring.

"Hi. Is everything okay? Is Jason okay?"

"He's fine. He just wanted to speak with you."

I handed the phone to Jason and he started talking and laughing with his dad.


"I'm back," I told Hunter. He was watching the television and sipping his orange juice.

"You know, I've been meaning to ask you this. Do you want to have a relationship with me?"

"Hunter... I... I... don't know. I mean, there's so much to you that I don't know and you and I never even been on a date."

"Then let's start dating and getting to know each other. I don't want to lose out on you or Jason. You two are becoming my world."

I smiled sweetly and started looking forward to going on dates with Hunter Sax.


I was exhausted from going on dates with Hunter. Every night for the past three weeks, we've been out to the most upscale restaurants and cinemas and even concerts and a celebrity birthday party.

I was beginning to ask myself when last I spent some quality time with my own son.

He was left with the babysitter every time.


June was approaching. I had planned to have a small bedroom picnic with Jason after he came home from school.

Nina and Sophia gave me a day off and I got busy setting up pillow forts and a tent in Jason's bedroom.

I packed a small basket of his favorite jelly sandwiches, his cereal, his sodas and juices and candy bars and carried everything into his bedroom.

At 2:00pm, his school bus pulled up. I met him out front and ushered him inside. We were laughing like two kids when we ran into his bedroom.

"No way! Mom, you did all this?" he asked, eyes wide.

"Yeah. Do you like it?"

"I love it. Can we call dad to come over?"

"I believe he's at work. Besides, I want this to be mother-son time. Okay?"

He nodded and headed for the food basket. He bit into a sandwich and we occupied the tent until my phone started ringing.

Hunter's name flashed on the screen.

"Hey," I answered.

"I got off work early. Thought I'd take you out for a date this evening."

"Thanks but I'll have to decline. I'm spending time with Jason."

"You literally sees him everyday but you don't see me everyday."

"Lately, I haven't been seeing much of him. I've already organised the evening between myself and him. You and I can do the date another time."

"Yeah. Sure," he replied then hung up.

I rested my phone down and went to the washroom.


In about an hour, a knock came to the door. I went to get it.

"Jevan, what are you doing here?"

"Jason called me. He invited me to his bedroom picnic."

I allowed him in. Together, we went to Jason's bedroom.

"Daddy!" he squealed and ran into Jevan's arms. He lifted Jason up easily and kissed his cheek.

"How's my big man?"

"I'm good."

"And how was school?"


Jevan joined our small picnic and I made more sandwiches for the basket but then another knock came to the door.

I went to get it and met an abundance of freshly baked oven pastries goodies, cakes, hotdogs, ice-creams and a large pack of buttery popcorn.

"Delivery to Miss. Blossom Wright."

"Who's this from?"

"Mr. Hollen."

I signed and collected everything. My poor arms struggled to keep a hold but Jevan appeared and took control of the situation.

We went back to Jason's room and laid out the new food.

We stuffed our faces even more and talked, laughed, shared stories like a real family.

I was enjoying everything a bit too much. The connection between Jevan and Jason and how it would be a better effect on having Jevan around us. Permanently.

Another knock came to the door and I sighed. It wasn't easy getting up with a full stomach.

"More stuff, Jevan?" I asked without waiting for an answer. I went to the door.


"I've been calling you, Blossom. Why were you ignoring my...."

His question was cut off when he heard Jevan's laughter from Jason's room.

"Is that a man's voice I hear?" he asked now.

"Yes. Jevan is here."

"That explains it!"

"Hunter. Jason invited him. He wanted to bond with his father over a picnic I prepared," I explained.

"Okay. I'm coming off as jealous, aren't I?"

I nodded yes.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for popping up uninvited and lashing out like that. There's something I have to tell you though."

"What's up?"

"Since we're dating now, I think Jason and I should become close as well. Maybe I can bring him to a gaming theater or something. What do you think?"

"I think it's fine but I have to run this by Jevan."

"Since when you need his permission?"

"Because Jason didn't magically appeared in my stomach. Jevan is his dad so it's only fair to tell him about this."

"JEVAN!" Hunter called abruptly.

"Hunter! What the hell?" I whisper-shout.

"He's here, isn't he? So why not just tell him right now?"


Jevan appeared with an unpleasant look.

"Blossom and I have something to run by you," Hunter said,  "We're not looking for your permission though. Just a friendly notification to you."

"What do you want, Hunter?" Jevan asked, folding his arms while leaning against the wall across from us.

"Hunter is taking Jason to an....." I started

"He's not taking my son anywhere. End of discussion."

And just like that, Jevan walked back into Jason's bedroom, leaving Hunter and I speechless.



Okay Daddy!!! 😮😮

**** Teaser For Next Chapter****

Blossom confronts Jevan and tries to get him to agree on Hunter spending time with Jason but Jevan brings up Adobi and claims if Hunter is taking Jason out, then Adobi would meet Jason as well.

How's all this going to impact Jason though?

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