Chapter 6

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Emily's POV

Ali and I have been dating for a few months now. I think we're meant for each other. She completes me. I'm head over heels for this girl.

Alison's POV

I was at the brew when I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around and was met with a very handsome guy. He reminded me a little of Emily, he had black hair that was spiked up with brown eyes you could get lost in. He also was very fit you could see through the tight shirt he had on, he had tan skin like Emily's.

"Yes?" I asked wondering why he had tapped my shoulder.

"U-uhm i am new to town and I was wondering if you could show me around?" He asked

"Umm yeah sure. I'm Alison by the way."

"Mason." He said then stuck out his hand for me to shake.

*2 hours later*

Mason and I had been walking around town for about 2 hours. I was showing him all the little stores and hang out spots. He was a nice and funny guy. He told me a little about himself. He said he was captain of the basketball team at his old school which would explain how fit he was. He told me he was an only child and moved her because his dad got a better job.

I had received a message from Emily asking to hang out but I just replied with a simple

"Can't right now maybe later."

I didn't get a reply after that.

Emily's POV

I texted Ali earlier asking if she wanted to hang out since it has been a little over a day since I'd seen her but she said she couldn't. So I decided to text the girls. They said they were all free and could come over for movies and a sleepover.

The girls got her 45 minutes after I texted them. Hanna was going to choose the first movie and of course she picked a romantic comedy. Typical Hanna.

It was still pretty early so we decided to play board games and watch more movies to pass the time. Spencer ended up winning most of the games and the ones she didn't win Aria won. Since I didn't win they let me choose the next movie we watched and of course it was horror.

Halfway through the movie there was a knock on the door, it was a little strange since I hadn't been expecting anyone especially since the girls were already her and Ali was to busy.

Alison's POV

Mason and I hung out practically the whole day. It was getting late so I decided to go home. Instead of going home though I went to Emily's house to try to make up for blowing her off today. When I got there I knocked 3 times before Emily came to open the door.

"Ali? What are you doing here?" She asked looking very confused.

"I can't come see my girlfriend?" I asked

"Not when you've been blowing her off for the past few days with no explanation at all." Emily said with slight attitude.

Suddenly I heard someone say " Em who's at the door?" I couldn't quite make out who the voice.

Emily didn't respond to the voice so I decided to ask her who she was with.

"Who's in there Em?" I asked with a little bit of jealousy in my voice.

"No one"

The voice spoke again this time making me mad, " Em come back so we can cuddle and finish the movie"

That was it I pushed past Emily to see who was calling my girlfriend to cuddle when it should be me and her cuddling.

When I walked into the living room I was met by Hanna, Aria, and Spencer all gathered around the tv.

"Hey Ali" they all said in unison.

"Hey girls" I replied back

Emily then walked in.

"Em? Can I talk to you for a second?" I asked with my lip slightly pouted.

"Sure" she replies then led me to the kitchen

"Why wasn't I invited to the sleepover?" I asked wanting to know why everyone was here for a sleepover I didn't know about.

"Well Ali if you would've answered my texts then you would've known that we were having a sleepover" Emily said a little annoyed with me.

"I'm sorry okay?"

"Where were you?" Emily asked

"I was with this boy I met named Mason." I replied

"Mason?" Emily asked with a slight hint of jealousy in her voice.

"Yeah I was showing him around since he's new to town."

"Oh well why aren't you with Mason now? Since you seem to hang out with him more than your own girlfriend"

"Em it's no big deal okay?"

I could tell by Emily's expression she was hurt that I ignored her and I understood that because I wasn't really being the best girlfriend to her at the moment.

" Ali why don't you go hang out with him? At least then you could have a normal relationship and you wouldn't have to be with some freak of nature like me." She said with tears threatening to fall from her eyes. I hated seeing her sad especially knowing I caused her this pain.

I grabbed her cheeks in my hands and made her look at me. " listen to me Emily first, you are not a freak you're beautiful, you are a beautiful person inside and out and never think you're not. Second, I want to be with you and only you okay? I love you Emily Fields you are my soulmate, I don't want to be with anyone else except for you." I said stern so Emily could know how serious I was being.

With that being said she broke down in my arms crying "I'm sorry I doubted you Ali, please forgive me I want to be with you and only you too. I love you Alison." She said.

I brought her face up to mine and leaned enough to capture her lips in a soft kiss.

We headed back to the living room with the girls and finished watching the movie while cuddled with each other.

Wow, 1034 words! I want to know if y'all want me to continue.

- Paola <3

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