"I think we're ready, Ivana. We can do appetizers, maybe, Mika, if you wanted anything," he said, smiling at me.

I still could not remember this guy's name. He looked like a Martin, though.

"That would be great."

I quickly flipped the pages of the menu. I forgot to look at it while we talked, so I just chose the first thing that looked good.

"Ladies first."

He directed his right hand toward me.

The menu encouraged customers to order in French. I had learned a thing or two from minoring in French in college.

"Bonjour Ivana, Je voudrais le potage du Soir et le Duck Confit pour le plat principal s'il vous plait."

My date looked at me highly impressed. I did a cute over my shoulder smile. How would I bring up that I couldn't remember my date's name? It was randomly starting to bother me.

"I'll have what she's having and the Jumbo Seafood Shrimp," he said, and she wrote them both down then took our menus.

I pulled out my phone real quick, trying not to make it noticeable that I was looking him up on Google to find his name. I typed quickly.

Boston and Poly Law Firm-Madison-Partners---

"Everything will be out shortly."

Ivana smiled at both of us. Good distraction.

"Got a call or something?" my date asked nicely.

"Umm...just checking some of my- stocks." I lied, trying to sound knowledgeable. "I...uh...heard there was a crash in crypto earlier, and I got worried."

Shit, my phone is not working! I looked up at him while my phone loaded. He ordered a gin.

"Oh really? You're into investing? That's pretty dope. My brother and I invested in Bitcoin back in college, and we made some big returns. I didn't know they had a crash today, though. Maybe I should check mine too," he said, reaching for his phone in his jacket pocket.

Oh my gosh, no.

"I'm sure you're fine." I smiled. "You're so smart and clever. I'm new and naive. I was just overly cautious."

I pretended to look at the stocks on my phone.

"See, yep, it's fine."

The company page finally loaded. His name is...

"Josh!?" A female voice pierced through the room.

A pregnant woman about 5'9 with mid-back length hair stormed up to the table with her Louis Vuitton purse, about to smack the shit out of him.

"What the hell are you doing here!? You told me you were going out with the other partners tonight? And who is she, Josh!? Who are you?"

What in the world is going on?

Josh stood up with his hands out, trying to diffuse the situation. He was towering over her. He was about 6'1, slightly muscular, dark, and a waste of freakin' time. What the hell was this? His girlfriend?

"Babe, it's just a friend from work. We had a little meet-up to discuss a new case from the office," he said like it was nothing.

I opened my mouth, shocked and offended. What in the actual hell?

"Josh, you're always lying to me! I am pregnant with your child, and this is what you do to me!?" She started breaking down.

It was time for me to go. Shaking my head, I stood up as fast as I could and straightened my dress.

"I'm so sorry about this," I said to his wife, slash girlfriend, or whoever.

I turned around to walk away, and this guy dared to try to grab me by my waist to hold me back from leaving.

"Please, I'm sorry, let's do-"

"Do not touch me! I am leaving. Delete my number," I said sternly, pulling away from him.

I was way too good for this shit. I held my purse close to me and stormed out of that restaurant. I couldn't believe what just happened.

"Cancel the order," I said to Ivana before I left.

I put my light grey coat on and called a taxi. While I waited, I looked back into the restaurant and saw the girl hitting against his chest and yelling at him. The waiters had to try to calm her down. My taxi finally pulled up, and I jumped into the yellow car. I just wanted to go home right now.

"Where to?" the cab driver asked.

"Windsor apartments," I said promptly. "As fast as you can."

I laid back in the seat, hugging my body, trying to keep warm. What in the actual hell just happened?

A tear rolled down my cheek— the story of my life.

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