After saying this, she descended from the carriage without any need for help. She then looked around and took a few steps forward. Bending over, she helped a young beggar up from the ground. Without any care for how dirty this young beggar was, she reached out with a dainty hand, which caused the young beggar to feel flustered and retreat. She quickly consoled the beggar: “Don’t be scared. I just want to help you up. Just now, it was my servants who had been disobedient and used this sort of method to make fun of you. I am their master. Naturally, I would need to apologize on their behalf.”

The young beggar was dazed and thought that they had seen a deity. Such a beautiful and noble young miss actually personally came to help him up and would actually say this sort of thing. He had never been treated like this before! For a moment, he did not know what to do. Looking at the two copper coins that he was holding in his small and dirty hands, he pondered for a while then said: “It can’t be blamed on them. They gave us money. No matter what method they used, it’s good.” In the past, there had been people who would deliberately throw money into dirty places for them to pick up. There were even some that had deliberately caused trouble for them. Compared to those times, those two girls scattering the coins into the air was already quite benevolent.

The young miss that had come out of the carriage shook her head and said: “There is indeed some blame. Even if it was charity, they should not have had such an attitude. Though you are beggars, you are Da Shun’s citizens. You are just poorer than we are. There are no other differences.” While she spoke, she reached into her sleeve and quickly pulled out a piece of shattered silver. Stuffing it into the young beggar’s hand, she said with sympathy: “You are still so young. You should not need to go begging door to door. When you’re a bit older, go and find a place to work? It will be better than your current life.”

The young beggar had been moved by what she had said, and he could not help but tear up. At this time, the elegant young miss had already turned around and earnestly bowed toward the crowd of citizens. Seeing her make these movements, the two servants and the driver no longer dared to act rashly, as they joined in the salute, while the young miss said: “Everyone, this young girl came from Peng Zhou to the capital to visit family; however, who knew that my servants would be so disobedient and cause an incident. This young girl will represent them and apologize to everyone. It was our fault and hope that nobody will assign any blame.”

A noble daughter of a large family had helped up a beggar and apologized to the citizens. When had the citizens of the capital ever seen this sort of thing? The people that had been feeling resentful from the two maidservants had felt their anger completely dissipate with this apology from the young miss, thus everyone returned the courtesy, saying: “It’s fine, it’s fine. We poorer families are not that finicky. Young Miss has been too courteous.”

“That’s right! This sort of thing happens frequently. We have become accustomed to it.”

Someone also asked: “I wonder who would be Young Miss’ family relative?”

That elegant young miss smiled and replied: “I am the eighth prince’s, His Highness Prince Sheng’s, younger cousin. I came from Peng Zhou to the capital to visit elder cousin and aunty.”

These words had completely dazed everyone. The eighth prince’s younger cousin?

In this instant, all of the goodwill that had been built up was lost. Some rolled their eyes and left. There were also some that could not hold back and rushed to say: “No wonder they’re so arrogant. It turns out she’s the eighth prince’s cousin. She really is the exact same as the eighth prince!”

The elegant young miss was frozen there with a puzzled expression, and her face looked to be full of grief. Tears even began to well up in her eyes. Seeing that the people were wearing ugly expressions and wanted to leave, she panicked. Grabbing the young beggar that she had just given silver, she anxiously asked: “Little brother, tell elder sister why they had this sort of reaction when I brought up my cousin?”

Ever since the young beggar had begun to understand things, he had been a beggar. To speak of the eighth prince, he did not have much of an impression in the past, but ever since the matter in the capital between the eighth prince and Hundred Herb Hall, aside from those of the eighth prince’s faction, there were none in the capital who did not view him as a scourge! The young beggar also disliked the eighth prince; however, he felt that this young miss before him was good, and she had given him silver. That was why he was not like the others and did not leave, thus he said: “Young Miss, don’t blame everyone. It’s just that the eighth prince has done many things that the people of the capital do not like. As for what exactly he did, you’ve already come to the capital. You’ll know once you ask him.” After saying this, he saluted to the girl before running off.

The young miss remained frozen in place for a while before returning to her carriage with her head down. The driver used the horsewhip and hastily set the carriage in motion.

Feng Yu Heng watched the carriage leave in a cloud of dust, and she could not help but coldly snort, “The eighth prince’s younger cousin, she just brought up her aunt. Thinking about it, she must be Noble Lady Yuan’s niece. To come to the capital at a time like this, it seems that it’s not something as simple as visiting relatives…”

I smell trouble....

Not my Story!

Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (Yang Shi Liu) 801Where stories live. Discover now