tolerance | twenty-four

Start from the beginning

"fuck, you're disgusting. do you secretly like me already." seongcheol said in disgust.

"fuck, if that's your attitude then i won't tell you jeonghan's location."

seongcheol's eyes widened at the phrase. he was astonished with what he said, so instead to show that he became excited and was bursting with mixed feelings he hugged mingyu.

"fuck, you're disgusting, do you secretly like me?" mingyu said in disbelief with what the older actually showed.

seongcheol was half smiling and half frowning with what the other said to him. actually it doesn't really matter to him right now. what actually matters is where the fuck is his partner.

is it even mutual?

the thought made seongcheol feel bad. he needed some answers too. he was ready for anything since back then. his heart was already shattered into pieces so why not do it again.

seongcheol, desperate for answers thought about anything he could bribe mingyu just to give him the locations.

"so, how much for the location." seongcheol asked.

mingyu smiled, seriously amused with the sudden change of moods. "nothing much, but set me up with someone named jeon wonwoo."

"deal, but how do i know if its accurate?"

mingyu, carefully pulling out an envelope in his laptop bag. obviously, it was a picture of joshua with jeonghan.

"wait, fuck, im so not ready for this kim mingyu. help me."

"fortunately, for you i have seriously planned everything out before showing this to you. but, in return, you should promise me that you would help me date jeon wonwoo."

"fuck, just tell it already."

mingyu, being childish like he already is, put up his pinky finger in front of the older. seongcheol rolled his eyes in disbelief with what was the younger actually doing.

seongcheol already running out of ideas on how to stop this thing mingyu was doing he actually put his pinky finger uo and locked in and pressed their thumbs together.

mingyu smiled, "so first let me explain the situation, luckily our guy here, named joshua was an investor in our company. thus i had listed all of his information in here."

mingyu pulled out a paper, "so the plan is.."

"wait, they're together?" seongcheol asked already in a heartbreak.

"its only been a month, seongcheol of course not. but we can possibly make it happen."

seongcheol sighed in relief and he gestured that the other should continue explaining.

mingyu nodded, "so the actual plan was to throw a party a year after. and i'll contact him and bribe him into getting in a relationship with him."

sengcheol hissed, "what the fuck were you thinking? getting in a relation-"

"how the fuck would you drag him here then? if they're together, they'd go to the party together. easy as fuck."

"then why is it after a year?" seongcheol asked.

"to build the foundation of trust between them. who the fuck would trust someone after a day." mingyu, feeling like a genius already, answered.

seongcheol seriously was amazed with the plan but the span of time was actually long.

"so in return you should have someone too. i already set you up with a person named jihoon."

"what's his condition?"

"he said he wanted a studio. maybe you could afford it for him. that lad looks vulnerable but scary. be careful, no feelings should be involved. do you understand me?


seongcheol finished with a sigh, explaining every in and outs.

"so you used joshua?" jeonghan asked.

nobody answered the question because it was true but joshua was ready to be used.

"do you love me? shua?" jeonghan questioned.

tears were immediately going outside of his eyes. the two felt bad with what they did. jeonghan covered his face with a hand to cover up that he was actually crying although it was already obvious that he was crying.

seongcheol couldn't take it and joshua suddenly walked out of the room.

jeonghan didn't know where these feelings are coming from, was it actually joy or sadness because someone was used.

seongcheol carefully, approached jeonghan who wasn't even approachable at the moment, with what he actually looked like, he was too sad that it actually hurt seongcheol's heart.

but then, seongcheol successfully approached and hugged jeonghan.

hope came crawling inside their hearts, even though it was a little, it was enough for the both of them to know that they had a chance.

"you used him." jeonghan spoke in between his cries.

"i know, but it was for you." seongcheol explained.

"fuck, but still, i loved him." jeonghan strongly protested.

maybe for the both of them it was a hard decision but at some point, they both had to realize what sacrifices could be done when it comes to love.


missed y'all :>

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