Chapter 18

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I looked curiously back at my wings, seeing blue veins in my feathers. My master looked at me, "Do you not know what the veins are from." I glared at him harshly. The man drew his sword, stabbing me in the side of the neck. "Your slaves are not allowed to glare at your master." He started to twist his blade out. I looked at him, bored, not showing any signs of being in pain. The other wyverns there were looking at me like I was a zombie or something else different than a wyvern. I glared at them. I hissed, saying, 'Stop staring at me like I am a god damned zombie.' That got them to look back at the man in front of me. I flicked my tail and tuned them out. I saw a wagon and noticed that it was what they used for oxen for farming in ancient times, according to my siblings. Growling lashing my tail furiously, I narrowed my eyes as I tuned out the orders made by the man who was highly ranked. I sighed as my master yanked the lead around my neck and snarled, "Get moving." I narrowed my eyes just before I got up, and before anyone saw anything, I smashed my tail hard into the robed man's side. The blow sent him tumbling through the dirt. Enough to bruise some bones hopefully in the human body, I snarled softly, wishing they hadn't restrained my tail; otherwise, the blow would easily shatter all his ribs in one whip. My master's eyes widened, seeing his boss in the dirt. He ran over to his boss and spoke, "Sir, are you alright, what happened." The man got before drawing his pistol and spoke, "Which wyvern did it." My master replied, "How do you know it was a wyvern?" He replied, "You idiot there was a massive force plus a managed to hear chains move right before the impact." I snickered upon seeing my master get called an idiot. My master and his boss looked at each wyvern, and both looked at me, figuring out it was me. They both grabbed a sword and whips, respectively. I smirked in my muzzle activating my sharingan and easily dodged both there attacks even in chains. I moved fast enough to avoid there strikes. I lashed my tail, barely missing my master with the sheath covering the spike. The boss smirked before driving a knife from a holster I missed into the chains of both my tail and legs at the same time, trapping me in place. I growled in annoyance as they both attacked. The boss drove his sword through my side as my master proceeded to whip me anywhere he could hit. I growled as I tried to release my power. My aura was slowly getting stronger as my eyes glowed with power. My master spoke, "Let's see what would happen if I hit the giant scab on his side. I growled as he dragged out a knife before plunging it deep into the still healing gash. I growled with pain as I started to lose consciousness as the blade had ended up in a very painful spot on me specifically. An old internal wound I had received during a war in Purgatory. Blood was gushing out of the wound quickly as it was still healing. Luckily my internal injuries will heal, unlike humans. My master's boss spoke, "Bandage him up and get him back to work." My master replied, "Yes, sir." He ran off and came back soon after carrying some wraps. He quickly wrapped up my reopened up before smirking and taking out another giant collar, but this collar was for my midsection as well as a saddle. I snarled as he put the saddle and everything else on. He hopped on my back and said," Get up, slave." He forced me to my feet by pulling the chains. Let's start your work now." 

Timeskip late that night

My master was forcing me to work for later than usual as a punishment, and right now, I was the only one working. He spoke," Okay, that's enough for today." He hopped off my back and led me to the stables, and as soon as we got in there, he leads me to the water tank, forcing me to drink as usual. He yanked my collar and directed me into my stable, chaining me up. I laid down and closed my eyes, ignoring all the talking about me from the other wyverns. Finally, I had enough,'I can hear you guys very smoothly, and I am not deaf either, so SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY. YOU GUYS ARE COWARDS FOR NOT FIGHTING BACK. I can say that you guys are weak-willed for letting humans enslave you.' That got them quiet to think about what I said. I curled up and fell asleep immediately.

Timeskip morning

I felt a whip hitting me as I slowly woke up, and I growled, releasing my full aura to the lower rank slave master who was trying to wake me up. He bolted, terrified of what I could do even if I were chained up to a wall.  I was utterly pissed off from yesterday, so my muscles were incredibly sore. I heard the stable door open, and In came my master and his boss, who said," Get up slave." I growled, not moving an inch. Master sighed and said gleefully," Time for punishment." I narrowed my eyes, activating Eternal and allowing it to spin in anger. My master spoke," Wow, I had no idea he had the sharingan much less the Mangekyō or Eternal." His boss spoke," Maybe we should study him for a couple of days and find his weaknesses. Let's talk about it for a while, Charlie, but for now, force him to work. Even if you have to use that collar." My master nodded and smirked," Yes, sir." Master walked out of the room, returning several minutes later, holding a necklace of some kind. He locked it around my neck and pressed a button on it. He pulled out a remote and pressed the button on the remote shocking me. The shock was somehow stronger than that of a lightning wyvern, so it hurt way worse than a standard shock collar. I hissed with pain as my master grinned with delight seeing the pain I was experiencing. I hissed slightly in pain from the voltage as he spoke," Get up." I obliged this time only because I did not want to get shocked again. He got on my back before saying," You make one false move I will shock you and hold this button-down. These shocks are strong enough to cause paralysis on even the strongest of wyverns. Even lightning wyverns get paralyzed." I hissed softly before he kicked me in the side, forcing me to walk. I looked up to see it was cloudy. I noticed all the other wyverns wearing saddles with there masters sitting on there backs directing them. I hissed as I heard thunder. The rain started to pour down on us lightning flashed. I smirked in the muzzle before letting my full power out, snapping all my chains, bindings, and collars. Everything broke into pieces around me. I smirked as I flew into the air flinging the man I called Master off. He fell onto the ground. I spoke in a demonic tone of voice," Free at long last." I allowed my demonic powers and angelic powers to flow off of me in waves. The blue veins in my wings glowed with even more intensity than before. I smirked cruelly at all the cowering humans. Lightning flashed all around. I heard yelling from behind me when I saw my master holding a sniper rifle. I rolled my eyes at his pathetic effort. He pulled the trigger. I dodged while I hissed in annoyance as I was still not able to breathe fire. I teleported behind him and smirked darkly," Looking for me. Oh, don't worry, I wasn't going to use my tail venom on you." He spoke," Why would you turn against us, Slave." I growled," Simply enough, I hate being enslaved or captured by the very things I hate. I also have a name. It is Shadow." I whipped my tail around, stabbing right through his gut and smirked evilly," Don't worry, I will send the rest of your kind to follow you." With the lightning, it looked like I was evil. I landed on the ground gracefully before punching my talon right into the ground watching in sick satisfaction as I killed everyone in the camp, even the wyverns. I heard a gunshot moving out of the way when I saw my 'boss.' I teleported behind him and decapitated him without a word. I flew off and mind-linked the others.

3rd Pov
Shadow: Okay, where is everyone.
Luna: About time, little brother.
Shadow: Shut up big sister I was enslaved to my least favorite creatures.
Midnight: Shit, Luna, he has a point. He hates humans more than anything
Shadow: Thanks, bro, also where the fuck are you located.
Luna: to the east of your location.
Shadow: thanks. What about everyone else
Destruction: I am with your siblings
Dawn: I am with humans to the south
Harmony: I am with Dawn
Ash: Same here
Twilight: I am with some wyverns to the north
Hunter: Same here
Sunlight: I am with your adoptive family to your west.
Shadow: Finally, straight answers. Wait, are you saying that we 'lost' the war for now.
Everyone: YES!
Shadow: Shut up unlike you guys, I managed to escape alone.

End of mindlink

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