Chapter 4

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Shadows POV
I smirked as they moved away from me. I dropped the Susanoo in exhaustion because it drains a massive amount of energy. I took to the sky and my siblings followed ordered to capture me. I turned and faced them and said in a bleak tone, "Please go away." They shook their heads and Nova said, "Sorry little brother we were ordered. I sighed and said, "Well might as well go blind fighting you guys." They both looked nervous and Blast asked, "What do you mean little brother?" I replied," To put it simply I  will go blind and I will not be able to see anymore until I get a new set of eyes like mine. It has already started." I activated my Mangekyō and prepared myself. We all shot at each other and with there combat and flawless teamwork I was forced into defense. I saw my vision going dark and I quickly for one last attack I slammed my tail into Nova's side but to my dismay, she blocked it and smacked her tail into my head right when I lost my vision. I groaned and said, "Well I am blind now so just lead me back there." My brother said, "Drop and you will be on my back." I nodded and lowered my self on his back. I curled up and shut my eyes.

I felt someone put their hands on my back. Before I felt my eyes being ripped out and I growled in pain and shock. A human female quickly said, "Calm down Shadow we are giving you a new pair of eyes." I replied, "Ones like my Mangekyō." She replied, "Yes we are." I laid my head down and felt her put a new pair of eyes into my socket. I felt a bandage getting wrap around my head and then I felt a puncture and fell unconscious.

Storms Pov
I looked at the veterinarian who was giving Comet a new pair of eyes and said, "Are you sure it is wise to give him the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan?" She replied, "We need him to be able to see and now that he is growing stronger if he is to escape he will have to have these eyes." I nodded and said, "Very smart." She replied, "Thank you Storm. If you hadn't told me what they look like I would have done it wrong."

Timeskip 3 weeks later
Shadows POV
I felt the bandages being taken off and said," So what did I miss these past three weeks I have been out. I opened my eyes to see I was in chains I said," What the crap happened?" I turned my head to the side and I saw my family in chains as well. I heard a gasp from my sister and looked at her and said," What?" She pointed to her eyes and I heard the door opened and I saw a muzzle in his hand. I snarled and tried to raise my energy but I felt faint instantly. He smirked and said," Well well well look who is awake." I glared at him and growled, "You think I will let you put that on me easily." He said," Of course we do your nothing but a young defenseless wyrm." I gave him a look with my Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan that said go die in a hole." I spoke in a cold tone," You think I am defenseless even though I am young."  He nodded and said," Of course we do. The chains you have on collect light and also have a built-in system that will inject you with some kind of toxin that will make your energy lower, as well as disable your abilities and make you more obedient and vulnerable in general." I muttered," Well that's just great." I thought to myself' luckily light does not make my demonic powers useless.' He came closer and nodded to someone behind me who pinned down my head as he put the muzzle on me and locked it into place. I growled and swung my tail hard-hitting the guy behind me. I lifted my head and glared at them with my sharingan spinning. They put a metal lead on my collar ring and led me to a stable that was as dark as night shadows. I snorted and in my head, I thought 'Well this is ironic I am going to be in a spot that is my name literally'. He clipped me onto a ring in the corner as he smirked. He flipped on a switch and a bright light blared into existence. Blinding my sensitive eyes. I growled as I felt another pinprick in my neck and I felt myself become weaker. I laid on the ground and waited for a chance to strike even though it will be a while because of the damn chains.

Timeskip 1 year later

I felt a tugging on my collar and groaned as I glared at the light and said," Turn the damn shiny off."  The human who was taking me somewhere said," Get up creature." I muttered something very unflattering about him as he put my muzzle on. He clipped my heavy chains onto my sister's chains and went up to the front of us and said," You guys are going to be enslaved to some Crystal or Obsidian Wyverns today." My eyes widened at thought of becoming a slave. When I was young I heard about what happened to the slaves in their possession and how they are treated. I lashed my tail furiously and glared at him. He smirked seeing my reaction. He grabbed Storm who was in the front then Shock, Current, Jet, Blast, Nova, then me. He led us to the slave market in the center of the village and he unclipped Storm and Shock from the rest of us before clipping them into a ring that was on a wooden post. He then proceeded to do the same to Current and Jet then Me, Blast, and Nova. Obsidian and Crystal's wyverns were now filling the area. I activated my sharingan and I saw the leader of the crystal wyverns who reported directly under his there leader... Stonecarver. He then started the auction for Storm. The second was for Shock, Third was Current. The fourth was for Jet. The fifth was for Blast. The sixth was for Blast and the last auction was for me. I growled softly because the leader of Crystal and Obsidian wyverns has bought me and I have heard from reports he is the worst possible Slaveowner. He grabbed my leash and took me to his cave when he said, " I have heard a lot about you Slave. What you are capable of and what your powers are from the slave trader. Also, you will address me as Master. Also, I have heard that you have a strange eye power. You will stay here until I come back do not move a muscle." I stayed put and he back with heavy chains that had trenches in them that matched the chains I already had on. He locked them onto the chains I had on already. He spoke, " Theses chains are meant to encase the chains you have on and are made of diamonds.

(A/N The shiny is what I made up once when I didn't want to get out of bed on a Saturday so that is what I call extremely bright lights which include the sun if I wake up at noon. Yes I am 16 but I do not care.)

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