Chapter 15

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As soon as the guard stopped screaming the other guards got into a ready position and drew some long hunting knives. Looked to be dipped in some kind of toxin. I jabbed at them with my tail experimentally and the middle guy blocked it. I spoke," Just curious what kind of toxin is on your blades. I will say mine first. Hemnotoxin, neurotoxin, cytotoxin, and cardiotoxins." He replied," Well our blades have tetrodotoxin and that is the only one." I spoke," Just to warn you my wing talons have tetrodotoxin and I countdown wither or not to use it. Same with my tail." They nodded scared. I slashed my tail at one going full speed. Two of the guys used here blades to block it. I switched tactics trying to stab one of them with my talon while he blocked barely. My eyes widened as I caught a glimpse of throwing knives in one of the guy's holsters throwing it at me. I moved my head to the side dodging it expertly. I spoke," If I hadn't seen you with those throwing knives I surely would have been nailed. I also have a little surprise as well." I flicked my wings and my feathers shot out and flung out and they smashed around the room cutting into the solid rock like they are butter. One of the feathers scrapped the neck of one of the guys. I smirked," If you think I lose feathers when I shoot them out you are wrong they grow back immediately and are razor-sharp even if I don't shot them out." The guy with throwing knives threw two more I dodged both but sadly one got in my blind side and landed in my neck. I growled, ' Shit my blind spot.' I decided to end it quickly before I took another one. I smirked remembering what my mother said about my feathers only. I could use them as a shield. I took a hissing breath ready to blast them to ashes. The guy threw some more blades. I flicked my wings upwards blocking all the blades before throwing my wing down and blasting them with my silver flames. I sighed finally over. I used my talon to get the blade out when I ducked and dodged a bullet so I had to leave the blade in my neck and snarled,'I thought I destroyed them.' I heard foot steps and growled before releasing a blast of pressurized flames. I heard a scream from the foot steps and without a second thought I shot some of my feathers with pin point accuracy. I heard a body fall to the ground before narrowing my eyes at his body. I noticed that my feathers had indeed hit him but there was something in his hands. I took this opportunity to take out the knife. I pulled it out quickly before speaking,"I can tell you are alive also I am surprised my feathers didn't kill you." He shot off the ground aiming for my neck with his weapon. I grabbed his arm with my talon curled around his wrist. He tried to stab me with his other blade I quickly blocked his other hand grabbing the wrist with both hands. He smirked,"Got you now." He flicked his wrist backwards and apparently it was rigged so when he did move his wrist the blades would shoot out. The blades nailed me in the two pressure points in the neck. I stumbled slightly and I quickly speared him with my tail whipping around in the chest. I spoke,"You may have hit me but you are dead nothing can cure the venom from my tail." He fell down dead but not before throwing some more needles. Hitting me in the pressure point five times each. Darkness started to come for me. In one last attempt I released my power and a deadly energy blast surrounded and killed any human in a twenty foot sphere. After the energy blast I let the darkness claim me.

Luna's Pov
Wow that power from my younger brother and it stopped soon afterwards to. As if he passed out. Wait he is about to get captured. Fuck.


Shadows POV
I groaned as I opened my eyes seeing I was in a room with an iron bars in front of me. I snorted in amusement and noticed I was in chains that are probably drawing on the strength of the creator. Therefore it is very strong as they would not trust a weak earth wyvern for this. Well strong for most of us. Keyword most. I felt something on my neck realizing it was a collar of sorts. Obviously some kind of shock collar. I released my aura just to see if I can. I smirked in the muzzle I forgot to mention as someone came by and said,"I felt the aura come from one of these cells." I pretended to be asleep as they opened up the cage and heard one of them speak,"Is this the wyvern that we recently captured. The one that got all the way into the control room." I heard the second voice reply,"Yes sir." I heard the first voice say,"Do we have anything special about him." The second voice said,"Yes sir. We discovered he has a deadly combination of venom in his tail that could kill someone in minutes depending on how strong there immune systems or where he strikes. The toxins in his tail are cardiotoxin, neurotoxins, hemnotoxins, and cytotoxins. His talons however have tetrodotoxins. The first voice spoke,"So have you tried to create anti venoms for his tail." Again the second voice replied," Yes sir we have tried but it seems he controls wither or not to use his venom in his tail blade. His talons on the other hand are easier. We just have to push in a spot above his talon to milk them. So we have created anti venoms for his talons so far."

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