Chapter 46 - The Cross II ✝️

Start from the beginning

"Have a drink first, Lisa"

Baxter handed me a glass of cold water and I wet my throat with it at one go. I already suffered with the weird thirst since the soul selling ritual worked out, and having the anxiousness running in my blood vessels at the time made it even worse.

"I'm ready, Nick" I returned the empty glass back to him. "Let's do this"

"What about me?" He voiced out his concern. "I'm not ready, Isaac"

"We have talked about this-"

"Why are you rushing?"

"Because I want to go home fast"

"We have a real danger here, Lisa. This thing isn't supposed to be rushed" Nick began to argue and I just wished that my Nick in the universe I came from was here with me instead of him. "I'm about to kill someone and you are about to die"

"Temporarily" I completed his sentence.

"It doesn't matter. If it worked, you would get your brain damaged!"

"Brain damage is the least I'm worried about, Nick"

"Yeah, because we should worry if you don't come back. If I failed to retrieve you-"

"Nick, you have to trust me on this" I cut his sentence off with a low voice. "I will come back"

He huffed.

"How do you know that?"

"Because I have to," I got off from the sofa only to sit on the rug instead. "For Chae..." I heard Baxter let out a sigh before he joined me on the floor. "I'm not leaving her again, Nick. She's waiting for me right now"

He took his own time in mute, probably keeping the rest of his arguments to himself when he just knew that nothing could change my mind at the moment. I would still execute my plan with or without him, and I was sure that he wouldn't trust anyone else I might be paying to do it for me. It was better if he was the one who did it.

"Alright," His voice interrupted the silence we had just started to indulge in. "Let's not waste more time"

His hand reached for the sofa pillow, placing it in between his legs and he pressed it against his chest.

I frowned in curiosity.

"What's that for?" I asked.

"To protect myself?" He rolled his eyes. "I don't want you to break my ribs in the struggle later"

Nick really got me frustrated with that attitude of him. Did he just roll his eyes at me?! The situation I was in got me thinking; I never needed my naive and kind Nick Baxter more than that time.

I put no more delay in the original plan as I crawled to him, positioning myself in the middle of his two legs and resting my back against the pillow.

"Are you ready, Lisa?"

I nodded, hand reaching for the only thing I needed to have in the journey to hell that I brought and kept safe in my pocket.

"Help me with this?" I gave Nick a cross necklace that belonged to Chae. "Put it on me"

"But, Lisa?" He initiated another conversation with me as I felt his fingers at the back of my neck. "What if you wake up in heaven?"

"I sold my soul to a demon," I laughed a little. "I'm pretty sure I would wake up in hell"

"That makes sense" He tapped me on the shoulder. "Okay, all set"

I brought my hand to my chest, fingers touching the cross that was attached to my neck. It took one round of 'shower session' with Chae to make her remove her necklace. I could say it wasn't an easy task to convince her to do so and after pleasuring her under the shower, she finally took the cross off.

And it took one more round just to make her forget about the necklace, distracting her mind and leaving the apartment as soon as I could. If only Chae knew I stole her cross on the shower shelf, I would have some explaining to do.

It was because I needed it to summon Asmodeus in hell since I had read somewhere in the internet about the process. Hell would be a big place to roam around and if I wanted to call a specific demon that was once associated to someone, I needed to have a personal belonging of that person.

For me, Chae's cross was the right item to use because it was in her palm when she was found dead on the pavement. She held on it so tight until it cut into her flesh that night. So nothing else would work better than the same necklace. Besides, I didn't want to waste time in there just to look for that Asmodeus ass.

I would make him come to me.

"Let's do this!" I hyped myself up, feeling the little shake in my body.

"But, what if I pull you back in here before you can kill the demon? I wouldn't know the timing, Lisa"

"I have no idea about that part too. If 2 hours here is 5 minutes in my universe, I think it works somehow the same for hell?" I responded, hoping for the luck to be on my side. "Minutes here for you to retrieve me could be an hour in there?"

"That sounds risky"

"It is, but I guess I just have to try"

"Okay then"

Nick wrapped his right arm around my neck and supported it with his left, probably to add more strength to it later.

Blowing a heavy breath out, I gripped his hand. "It's just like in our training module, Nick"

"Alright" I felt his nodding through his body.

"10 seconds to unconsciousness" I reminded him again about our plan when he just tightened his arm. "Watch out for any cardiac arrest-"

"I got this, Lisa. Now it's you who's worrying too much" He stopped me instantly. "Focus on your part and I will do mine, okay?"

"Okay okay, I'm sorry" I sighed. "Let's go"

Nick didn't even give me any signal before he started the plan. He began to suffocate me with his strong, manly arm, taking me by surprise that pumped my heart very fast.

"Nick!" I tried to shout in a sudden panic that attacked my anxiety, feeling how my throat narrowed second by second.

My nails were digging into his skin as I struggled to free myself from his hold. The fear in me was burning, flaming my thoughts and senses that sent me the same warning straight to my brain; I can't breathe.

I am going to die, and I am going to hell.
For Chae...

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