
I don't say anything and Jake then moves from leaning on the wall to crouch down right in front of me, he lifts my chin so I'm looking at him dead in the eyes, and I know I look like a mess,

I must have mascara running down my bloodshot eyes, my hair is all ruffled and I'm shivering.

"Aves we can't help you unless you tell us what is wrong," he says and I frown my heart aching again

"Avery," he says this time more firm

"Um," I say and my voice breaks


"Have you checked them yet?" Ally asks me, and I shake my head looking at the unattended pregnancy tests

"No," I say and from the corner of my eye Billie and Jake are piling the bags into the car, as of today I am officially moving back in with Billie, again.

"Do you want me too?" she asks me and I nod

"Yes please," I say and she grabs the test in her hand and flips it over, I loom up and try to read her facial expression

"What does it say?" I ask

"Negative" she replies and I feel a huge wash of relief

"Thank you," I say, as Billie and Jake re-enter the house, Billie notices the tests in her hand and she looks at me questioning

"Negative" I reply and she comes over to hug me

"Everything is ready to go"

"Okay," I say "You guys meet me in the car, I'll be there in a second" I reply turning back to them, so they get up and walk to the car.

I walk up the stairs and into our bedroom, now Grayson's bedroom, I look at the photo of us kissing, which I framed for him at our 3 month anniversary which he keeps on his bedside table, we both look so happy, we were so happy, I look at the picture my eyes filling with tears.

"Fuck this" I say and I slam the picture down, and it smashes into a million pieces onto his nightstand, I walk out of the room, and pick up any of the last few things that the girls and I will need before I head to the door, standing in the spot I stood 4 hours ago, where my world was torn apart for the second time.

I take a deep breath and I grab my keys from the rack and I shut the door behind me, locking it. I walk to the car tears streaming down my face before I get into the back and into Ally's arms.

We get t Billie house, and silently unpack everything out of the car, when we get inside the radio is on and the music's playing, once everything is inside.

I look at my 3 best friends before, I turn to the radio and I crank the stereo up so the music blaring, and we start to dance whilst unpacking.

We're done not much after, and we finally sit down laughing at all of the singing impressions we just attempted, we stop laughing and they look at seriously and I know they want to know what happened. I clear my throat capturing their attention.

"She came to my door, and knocked with that fuck ass smirk on her face and she said" I start


6 hours before

"Uh hi," I say and she looks down on me from her 6-inch heels

"Hello Avery" she replies, shuddering saying my name

"What can I do for you, Anna?" I ask

"Um not much," she says twirling her hair around her finger "Is Gray home?" she asks, and I'm shocked, Gray? She called him Gray, he only allows me to call him that.

"No he's working, could I help you with anything, leave a message-"

"No-," she says immediately before laughing "actually, I came here to tell Grayson his deadline is over and he needs to tell you, but since you're here maybe I can-"

"Tell me what?" I ask her, my stomach starts to drop

"Oh nothing"

"Annabelle" I warn

"Yeah I feel bad, I'm gonna tell you... so a while ago Grayson was starting to chat me up and we met up a couple of times- we did some stuff I thought he wanted more, so I told him he needed to tell you and I gave him 6 months, but he obviously hasn't-" she says

"What!?" I ask

"Oh I forgot your dumb, Grayson and Anna, have late nights and lots of sex," she says wiggling her fingers

It hits me, I stumble back in shock, I look up and I see her smirking while giggling, I brace the door, shutting it, he's cheating on me, again. I pick up my phone

"Billie, I need you, now" I whisper into the phone sinking to the ground.

She arrives within 15 minutes, with a box of pregnancy tests in her hand, she immediately runs over to me and pulls me close to her, hugging me.

Billie helps me up, not asking any questions, she drags me to the bathroom and hands me a glass of water, I silently take the tests handing it back to her, which she puts them on the counter.

She asks me what I want to do, so I tell her, she says okay and I shut the bathroom door again.

I hear her on the phone and I sigh against the bathroom door, I'm fucked, again.



this story will contain:

---- Swearing (which may cause offense)

---- Sexual content (as in references ya nasties)

----Moments that you will either laugh or scream


2019 @ehardwick04

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