9: She's still in mourning

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Lallaina, couldn't remember how she made it past the next few days. She went through the motions of arranging her mother and brother's funeral like an automation, cold and unfeeling. She had through that saying goodbye would be difficult. After all, most of her life had revolved around them. Not even the fact, that she was now truly alone fazed her.

"Lallaina, sorry for your loss." Raven tried to comfort her, but she only gave him an empty expression. "Let's go." he said with great enthusiasm.

"Where?" she asked.

"Anywhere but here."

They have been walking and talking for half an hour, and still have an hour until they arrived at the garden. They sat on the grass, and admire the endless green and golden landscape as if it were one of those paintings by her father. King leonardo loves to paint.

"Arvid's going to be the king. They said, lazarus swore to all gods thatㅡ"

"Hey, would you like to play?" He asked her excitedly, then chuckled trying to cheer her up a bit.

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