"Did you stand up too fast?"

"No not like that. Like a... Buzzing." Tom blinked and leaned down to look Tord in the eyes, since he was staring down at the floor. "You want some water?"

"No, no I'm okay. God when did I get so sick like this-"

"Probably from walking to my house in the middle of a storm." Tord chuckled and stood up, his arms shaking slightly as he pushed off from the couch. "Are you sure you--"

"Yeah, don't worry about it." Tord gave a weak smile as he picked up the clothes from the couch and took his pants into his hands, leaning against the arm of the couch as he slid them on. Putting on his hoodie shortly after and leaving his original shirt in his hands. Tom watched nervously as he coughed into his arm, clearing his throat.

A few hours passed and the clock now read 10:46am. The two spent most of their time cuddling up on the living room couch, watching a movie as they talked about endless topics. Pausing every so often for a hard coughing fit from Tord. But once the clock hit 11:00 Tom figured it would be best for Tord to head home before his mom showed up. He didn't want to risk her coming home to an unfamiliar boy in her home. That wouldn't exactly end well. So after a short explanation, Tord understood Tom's concern and gathered his things. Which was really just his shirt and shoes, slipping them on before running his fingers through his messy hair. Tom only giggled, Tord shoving him lightly and heading out the door with Tom shortly behind him.

As the two began their walk Tord took Tom's hand in his own and swung their arms in between them, giving Tom a light smile. The world was still damp and dim from the previous night, giving the neighborhood a lively scent of dew and fresh morning air.

Everything was normal. Everything seemed normal. But he could tell something was up with Tord. He was weaker, skinnier, and much more tired than he used to be. Before he used to race him to his house, yelling with the loudest and alive voice you'd ever heard. But now, he rather take it slow, take the easy route. And Tom was picking up on this quite often.

"Can we stop for a moment?" Tord asked, letting go of Tom's hand to rest them on his knees as he leaned forward, his legs bent. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just a bit tired." Tom furrowed his eyebrows in a slight worry. "We've only been walking for a few minutes." Tom heard Tord gulp quietly, standing up straight again and whipping the small bit of sweat from his forehead. "I know, I'm just getting a cold is all. It happens." Tord brushed it off once again, taking Tom's hand once more and continuing the walk down the wet pavement.

"Maybe you should sleep some more once you get home.." Tord nodded, walking somewhat behind Tom as he pulled him up the cement steps to Tord's front door. "Yeah, that would probably be better." Tord said, opening the mailbox and taking out a key, most likely a spare, to unlock the door. Tord stood in the open doorway, facing Tom still standing on the steps. "Thanks for letting me stay over, it was nice." Tord said with a weak smile, stepping close to Tom and embracing him, Tom returning the hug. Tord seemed so tired, sure they woke up at an early-ish time. He didn't seem to have as much energy as usual. It made him worry, even if Tord always told him it was nothing.

"Oh! That reminds me," Tord grinned, "wait here." He said as he raced into the house and up the stairs, disappearing from Tom's view. As he stood in the open doorway waiting for Tord, Tom noticed a figure standing in the kitchen and staring down at what looked like a phone. Damien, in a black and red hoodie with a white streak through the center of the sleeve. But it was a bit hard to tell since he was standing on the other side of the fridge, so he could only see a little bit of him. Tom was a bit startled when he suddenly looked up from the phone and made eye contact with him from across the house. A slow, sly smile spreading across his face.

The Boy On The Other Side Of The Fence | Tomtord AuWhere stories live. Discover now