We don't need a ring

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Bakugou POV

"OF COURSE!!!" Mina screamed with joy.
"Well...I don't really know...I mean-"
"Bakugou. You and Kiri are high school sweethearts! Y'all have been together for over 8 years!!! It's the perfect time to propose! After all I can help plan the whole thing!!"
"But that's the thing. I want to buy him a ring and take wedding pictures and buy him a tuxedo and yet...I can't do any of that. I can hardly afford a regular tuxedo! What if I give him a bad life."

Truth was Bakugou loved Kirishima so much he wanted to claim him as his own with a ring. Yet I can't even give him a good life. I'm working in a retail store and he owns a training gym. All I will do is drag him behind.


He thoughts went away to be replaced by new thoughts of the voice he's heard say I love you multiple times.

"Eijiro, I-"
"We don't need a ring to confirm ur love...I love you and me being here for you is all we need to prove that. We'll grow with each other  forever and soon we'll grow in wealth and we can give each other what we want. But right now all we need is our love, not a ring."

Bakugou ran to Kirishima and hugged him tightly and never wanted to let go. Tears started pouring from his eyes a sight no one thought they would ever see. All he could think was how much he wanted Kirishima.
How much he needed Kirishima.
How much he loved Kirishima.
How much he cared about Kirishima.

"It's okay...I love you, I'm here for you" Kiri whispered into his ears.

"Your my one and only! Forever"

"You promise?"

"I promise Bakubae."

"Love you"

"Me too~"


Authors Note:
It's finally finished! I really hope you enjoyed this and I might go and update some chapters if I ever have time! Once again I hope you enjoyed this and I'm glad I got to do this with y'all!! I love you all!! See you next time!!!

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