Friends sleeping in the same bed (safe)

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Bakugou's POV

I can't believe that damn hag told him that!!! Ughhh!!! I guess I was frustrated because Kirishima said "you alright there? You don't have to be mad!" and finished it off with a smile. That smile is so amazing! You can't stay mad at a smile like that. Of course you can idiot stop being so stupid!!!
"What do you know shitty hair?!?!"
"Well she's a lot nicer then you."

Time skip to after dinner

Sometimes shitty hair can be an idiot!! How does he even like that old hag's food!! It's disgusting!!! It was already 8:47 and looks liked he noticed too and got worried. "Oh no it's already really late!!! Is it okay if I can stay over tonight?"
Why does he even ask? I would want him here every night of my life
I yelled and grab Kirishima's hand and took him to my room and sat on the bed with him and he looked surprised. Maybe I should've just told him to come instead of grabbing his hand. It was soft though...
"Hey how come your so rude to your mom?"
"Oh that bitch? Please she so dumb!! She thinks I'm weak? I could beat her ass up in seconds!!! What about you your mom is probably just as stupid!!"

When I said that he just froze. I was so confused. Was it something I said? All the sudden he started to tear up. I panicked and didn't know what to do. Why was he making me so sad? I don't wanna see him cry...
" mom passed away when I was 6..."
"I'm so sorry...I can't imagine how that felt."
"Heh it's fine...I've had to talk about this before. Yet I'm still being a crybaby...I'm just as awful as my dad says..."
"I don't give a FUCK what your dad says,you are perfect! I don't know why you still live with him!!!"
"I don't...I used to live with my real abusive dad but I ran away from him...I live with different people now."
Why would he hide all this? The cuts and bruises covered with that smile...
"Can we just not talk about it a-anymore..."
"Yea sure whatever"
I set up a place for Kirishima to sleep but after  about 10 mins he got up and asked if he could sleep on my bed with me.
"Go ahead shitty hair! Just don't take up all the space!!"
He nodded and he hugged me and I'd he do that? No one has ever made me blush. I-
I think I love him...

Authors Note
This is the same as the last one just shorter and not so detailed. I hope you enjoyed this and I'll still try and get the 4th chapter out today!!! Baii!!!!

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