Twitch Thot Luke pt. 1

Start from the beginning

Irwin94: Let daddy fuck you.

Most of the comments said things like that, but Irwin94's gave him butterflies and made him lose his place in the chat.

"O-Okay next question..." Luke coughed and bit his lip. "Will you bend over and touch your toes...sure! I don't why you guys would want me to touch my toes, but okay." He giggled. He was playing innocent.

Luke walked to the center of his room and softly caressed his legs as he bent down to grab his toes. He could hear more donations being made, and he could see the screen from the chat illuminating the entire room.

Irwin94: You're making me desperate.

Luke shifted in his computer chair. He decided that after the stream, he needed to message this mysterious patron. "Next question..."

"Do you have a boyfriend? No, I don't. Nobody in my area likes twinks," He shrugged. "I'm a big bottom looking for a big top if anyone is interested."

Luke said this in order to spark a response from Irwin94. Sure enough:

Irwin94: I'm a big top looking for a big bottom like you. You're my dream boy, bunny.

"B-Bunny..." Luke accidentally said out loud and moaned. He almost drooled until he realized he was on camera and quickly regained control. "Sorry guys, I saw a bunny on my screen. I love bunnies!"

Luke continued the stream a flustered mess; there was no way he couldn't discover who Irwin94 was. After he told his fans goodnight, he immediately sent Irwin94 a private message.

Cheesetoastie11: hey, i just really want to thank you for your donations, and i'm so flattered by all of your sweet comments.

The man responded within ten minutes.

Irwin94: There's more where that came from if you were mine.

Cheesetoastie11: what's your name?

Luke should feel ashamed for being so desperate for one of his patrons, but his curiosity was relentless.

Irwin94: Ashton Irwin

Cheesetoastie11: can i see a picture?

Irwin94: Can I?

Cheesetoastie11: we'll both send one.

In his best red panties, Luke took a picture of himself in the mirror. He made sure his bum looked huge and his eyes looked innocent.

Ashton responded with a similar picture of himself in the mirror. He had golden skin, hazel eyes, and midnight black hair. He kind of looked like Elvis and James Dean had a baby. Luke had expected an old man, but this guy was beautiful.

Cheesetoastie11: omg. ur perfect.

Irwin94: I could say the same about you.

Cheesetoastie11: i know this is crazy, but we should snapchat or something...

Irwin94: My Snapchat handle is the same as Twitch

Luke added the handsome man on Snapchat. They spent the whole night sending cute pictures of themselves, and sometimes Luke would learn something about the mysterious boy. It was around 3 am when things started to get more heated, when Luke received a text from Ashton asking for his number.

Luke gave it to him, expecting a text, but his phone vibrated on the bed. Luke felt his stomach drop to his chest as he slowly answered.

"H-Hello? Ashton?"

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