(Y/n) vs Bakugo

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"To be honest, even i don't have much fighting skills." We both share a laugh. All might tells us it's time for us to start. I make the drone and send it flying till the fifth floor to find to find the heat signatures there.

"Uraraka. They are on the fifth floor. Now, according to this floor plan there is only one entrance to that room. We will have to fight them eventually." I say worried. I really wanted it to be a sneak attack.

"Well, it can't be helped now can it. Let's get going shall we."

I snap my fingers and the drone disappears after turning to lightning then to nothing. We try to be as quiet as possible. We don't know if they will send an advance guard or not. When we turn a corner an explosion is met on my face. Blasty is here.

"Ow. That hurt."

"Well. I am the villain here. So, suffer." He smirks at me. He went after me and i am going to keep it that way.

"Uraraka, go to the fifth floor. I'll keep him distracted." She shuffles to her feet. Bakugo tries to go after her but i create a pole just in time and trip him. Oh he looks pissed.

"Wrong move, sparky. You are gonna pay for that." He ignites small explosion.

"Catch me if you can, boom boom boy." I recreate my boots from this morning and run like there is no tomorrow. Blasty is screaming and propelling himself through the air with explosions. NOPE. Bye bye.

"Uraraka, did you get to the bomb?!?!" I scream into the microphone. Blasty almost caught up to me.

"Um....not really. I reached the room but Iida-kun spotted me. What should i do?"

"Wait. Um, distract him. I have an idea."

I make turns to the area where the room is placed directly above us. If blasty can make a small hole big enough for me, I can help Uraraka.  But what if the time runs out? Bakugo is still searching for me. Hmm. I break the window with my pole and shoot my grappling hook on the roof. Once I reached the above window, I tell Uraraka to lead Iida away from the window. I will have to make a run for it in the time gap. Come on Uraraka. Hurry up. Only four minutes are remaining. Once Iida is far enough with obstacles in between, I break the glass and sprint for the bomb. I almost touch it but Iida zooms it away. I feel so frustrated now.

"You have only two minutes remaining now. We, villains, will win this fight. You heroes couldn't do anything. Give up while you can. Muahahaha." Wow, Iida is in full character. I hand Uraraka, a pole and a taser. I make a hand gun with tranquilizing bullets behind my back. Bakugo blasts the door open. God only a minute is remaining. I got to do this quick.

"There you are~ Now say goodbye to the world." Blasty gives me an evil grin. Will i have nightmares of being tortured by that smile? Yes, yes i will.

"That's my line, blasty." I shoot him and Iida in the arm. Uraraka sprints for the bomb. 30 seconds remaining. The darts take time to be in full effect. I run towards Iida to capture him. He uses his quirk to escape but slows down after a while. Blasty comes at me slower than before. The bomb is moved again. I run towards the bomb. 5....4...Come on reach it......2.....1.

Uraraka and me both simultaneously touch the bomb. I laugh hysterically. We won.

"TIMES UP!! HERO TEAM WINS." All might announces. Phew. Glad that's over. Now, I rest my burning lungs. I look at my classmates both are asleep. Bakugo looks so peaceful and cute- WAIT. What am i thinking? Blasty is not cute! Stop looking at him, goddamit.

They both are taken to the nurse's office while Uraraka and I head back to the observation room.

"Nicely done bro. You guys were very manly." The 'manly' man Kirishima said.

"Thanks, Kirishima. I hope you will also be manly in your match. Good luck."

"Thanks, (l/n)." I will never cease to be amazed at his teeth.

~ TIMESKIP brought to you by multishipper author ~

I asked Joe to not come today since I'll be going to the arcade with Mina and others. I forced Bakugo to come with us since he was sulking for the rest of the day and talked to no one. If we didn't have that bet, I would say that he was a person who is naturally shy or something like that.

"So, like you have never to the arcade like ever?"

"Yes, Kaminari. My mom doesn't allow me to let me go to these kind of place. She always says that shady people are the only ones that hang out there. I don't like disobeying her, so I never went." I nonchalantly. It's not that of a big deal, right?

"What about you Bakugo, right? You must have gone to the arcade right?" Kaminari asks too many questions. I ignore the rest of the conversation. I know blasty will take offense and burst out. Mom will be mad at me for hanging out in the arcade but I had to go there one day right? Why not today?

We play all types of games. I won a lot of games, for a first timer. Beginners luck i guess. Kaminari sucked at every game he attempted. Must be hard for him to impress his date. I feel for him. Mina straightforwardly snickers at him. Sero is kinda of a cool guy who keeps to himself. Kirishima is still trying to beat the high score on the boxing machine and Blasty.....he isn't particularly interested in this outing. He keeps avoiding everyone.

"Yo, blasty. Why are you so sad bro?"

"Don't pull a Kirishima on me. He tried too but i distracted him with the boxing game. Now, leave me alone. I don't want to be here."

Sigh. He will never stop being so rude huh. "Blasty. I command you to be happy and enjoy this time that you have got. Don't dwell on the past stupido. Learn from it. If you are upset about the match, then know this that Uraraka and I won by a hair. So, chill dude. There will be more opportunities for you to prove yourself. Now come on try this game. I like this one too."I drag him to a claw machine.

He is so stupid. But i like that he knows his priorities.

Reborn (Bakugo X Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum