They look

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Hi everyone I have started a new work called "deadly lovers" do me a great favor and check it out, please. Does any of you like the lore olympus?
But now enjoy this chapter.

3-person POV:

Betty went into school as usual this time without Jughead with his arm draped around her shoulders. He had not met her but for the school entrance that he usually does. But she couldn't wait for him anymore she had to pick up her stuff in her locker and then go to cheers practises without being late and getting a reprimand from Cheryl. She doesn't have time to worry about Jughead and he can take care of himself. Only he doesn't do anything stupid and gets into trouble. People turn around in the corridor when she arrives, some did before Jughead also happened when she was still with Archie and was friends with Veronica. But it was only because of them that people looked in her direction. It wasn't because she was pretty, interesting or hot? It was because Veronica had his expensive brand's clothes and high heels and because Archie's carrot coloured hair stuck to his head. Before them, she used to be plain as black or white in comparison to yellow or red. She was just a by-product that went alongside them. Nothing more, nothing less. Now it looks at her and only at her because she is her real self. With their own heels and something that is not pink or baby blue. Now she was someone people wanted to look at, someone pretty, interesting and hot. And it means something, it means she doesn't need Archie or Veronica. She has Jughead and more importantly she has herself. She is not just any pink little dog that follows and follows the orders of her boyfriend, friend or mother. It is important. Well in front of her locker, she puts in her bag of books to be returned to the library and brings her workout clothes with her. She pulls out her phone to see that Jughead has texted her, he hadn't. But she had a feeling that he would show up sooner or later. But she hopes for sooner.


Jughead felt how someone shook him out of his sleep he deserved.
"Betty stop, I'll be soon" he said drunk on sleep.
"Dude, I'm not going to stop and I'm really not Betty but you have to hurry up"
He opens his eyes slowly and is greeted by Fang's panicked face.
"What the hell," he exclaims. Surprised by his new human alarm clock. The intruder holds him by the shoulders without letting go of him after shaking him to life from sleep.
"You can let me go now," he said, pushing his hands away.
"I never thought you would wake up, you have to come ... Ghoulies"
And that was all he needed to hear to make it feel like someone was throwing a glass of water in his face ... with ice.
The Ghoulies, Rival gang, drug dealers, street racers, rumors of cannibalism...trouble, big trouble.

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