The little good girl

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How could she have been like this, thought Betty. Why did she have to be the perfect girl next door, there was nothing with her sexy as veronika or daring like at Cheryl. She was just betty, everyday betty.

Veronica reached out and touched Betty's arm, "Are you okay, Betty? You look like you've seen a ghost." Betty just shrugged her shoulders, "It's just this tour guide thing, its just such bad luck." Archie threw an arm around Betty's shoulders, "Well babe, you need to learn to say no to people. You're too nice for your own good." Betty sighed and rolled her eyes as if she didn't already know this.

"I thought that's why you loved me." She teased.

He smirked and poked her nose, "That and many more reasons." He teased back. He could see Veronica scowling behind Betty's head. He'd have to make it up to her later on that night.

- - -

Suddenly a big dark shadow over their table. It was obviously jughead, Betty did not know why he could not leave her alone?

"Hey, tour guide." He said with his normal husky tone.

Archie stood to his feet, "What do you need, Snake?" Jughead chuckled as he admired Archie's shiner. "Nice, cheek. Next time you should watch a YouTube tutorial before you attempt to wear make-up."

The ginger-haired male felt his nostrils flaring. He didn't understand how this creep, this criminal, had such an effect on him but it was annoying. "Listen, asshole. You're not wanted around here; my girl isn't going anywhere with you. So, you can see yourself out of our personal space." Jughead felt his jaw tick at the territorial roll the jock played. For some reason, hearing the timid blonde being claimed by someone who wasn't him, annoyed him.

He decided he'd cause a scene then, "Why don't you take your make-up and head to the bathroom to cover up the hickey on your neck." He stated loudly. He knew that the mark could've been from anything, but if it was in fact a hickey he knew Betty hadn't given it to him. It wasn't there in the morning, and Betty had been with him all day up until this point. There was no time for her to do it.

That, and the fact the male was now stuttering. "It's-It's not a hickey, dude!" Betty stood to her feet, "What the hell, Arch? What is that?" She said now noticing the bruising mark on his neck. Archie rolled his eyes and grabbed his letterman jacket, "Its nothing. I was lifting weights on free period, it slipped and I got hit. Leave it alone," he shrugged his jacket back on. "I'll catch you after you're done playing tour guide for this idiot."

Jughead would've attacked him again, but he got what he wanted, the idiot was leaving. Archie pulled her into a passionate kiss purposely marking his property before leaving. Reggie and Chuck following. "I'll catch you later, B. We'll talk more about this," Veronica said before kissing Betty's cheek and running off.

Betty stood there quietly, unsure of what to do. Did Jughead even need her? Was he just trying to be a dick? She rolled her eyes and made to move around him, only for him to grab her by the arm. The heat radiating between them firing up her arm at his touch, "Whoa there, Juliet. We have a tour to continue," he stated with a slick grin.

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