My Betty

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3-person POV: 

Betty entered the school with Jughead's arm about her little shoulders the day before, the corridor he filled the sound of Betty's heels. Everybody turns their eyes on them when they go to Betty's cabinet. The question everyone at Riverdale high asks is: What happened to the girl next door Betty Copper? What happened to the girl everyone felt? The girl who wore pink and dated a football player? This girl is black and the opposite of the girl next door. What happened to the pony tails? School's star student? She took on all responsibility? She who was so quiet now has a voice. The old Betty was somebody everyone knew but no one was noticing. She with the bright future may now be dark. All Coppers were pastel and responsibility. But this Copper may be the black sheep. It is said that all families have one she may be theirs.

Betty Cooper a straight A student who was class one. She was dating Archie Andrews. Where did she go? But the new Elizabeth Copper is eye candy.

Today she still has a dark outfit that suits her curves perfectly. She is wearing a pair of short shorts and a black tank top with laces that showed her gap.

 Betty stood in his closet and put in her bag while Jughead stood behind her and held her waist. He kissed her neck and held off her hair. She giggles while his lips danced against her skin. She turns to him and he begins to kiss her lips. His tongue stretches against her lips after the entrance she gives by opening her lips. His tongue slides into her mouth and dances around with her tongue. He grabbed one arm around her thigh and hocked it around his waist to deepen the kiss they shared. Most people who looked at the couple who shared the intimate moment looked away or just looked even more intensively. Jughead stroked with her free hand over her soft cheek while kissing each other. 

Veronica's POV:
Hand in hand, I went with my football's seperator to boyfriend. I'm walking beside him at my legitimate place, Betty's old place. But now my place is, or it's probably always been my Betty, just kept the place warm to me. I knew this was my place from the moment I saw him.

I just moved to a name called Riverdale. It was not NY but better than being chased by photographers and reporters who accused us of things we did not. Yes, my father did bad things but we were good people. We are good people. I moved here with my mother to a small apartment, but Smithers said it was the biggest one.
Mom told me to retrieve our order from a place called Pop's. It was an old resting event that looked its best. It was quite empty apart from an older couple in a booth. But wait a while. In a stall further away is a red-haired look and a dull, pastel-colored blonde.

"I canceled an order for the Lodge," I told an older man behind the counter. He asks me to wait for a moment. I'm going to the table where the redhead is sitting.
"Are the onion rings good here?" I ask him.
"They are amazing," he answers me. He looks at me.I know he likes what he sees. I see it in his eyes.

"My name is Archie Andrews ... and ... and this is Betty Copper." he said while pointing his hand to the blonde with his eyes still fixed on me.
"I'm Veronica ... Veronca Lodge. And you're his friend," I asked the blonde.
She looked up at me with a smile.
"I'm his girlfriend and who's going to show you around tomorrow" she still said with a smile.
"So you go on Riverdale high" I said more like a statement than a question.
"Yes, we do," Archie told me. "Do you want to shut down?" He asks and spouses in the booth. But I shake my head while I say "Sorry, my mom is waiting for me. But see you tomorrow" with them I went and retarded my order and went. But before I went out, I sent a final glance at him. He still looks at me, watching me while the blonde talks to him but he does not seem to listen. He will be mine. The blonde he calls girlfriend is nothing. A little adorn girl against me. She does not have a chance.

Flashback over:

And I was right she did not have a chance. I'm better than her in every way. I have won over her as I knew I should. It's my turn now. My era over the Riverdale High. I'm queen over this hell's hole now. I mean to look at me and check out...

At the bottom of the corridor, Betty is fucking Copper and making out with a serpent and in her looks really good. I thought that yesterday was a one-off thing. But this is serious. And if she thinks she can win this mistake, she thinks wrong. I have tapped her once and can do it again. And she can not be serious, I take away her Archie, and now she walks around like a whore and neck with a serpent. She should learn that she can not win me.

I look up at Archie and I thought he would be as surprised as me but he looks rather angry.

I have to put that down on the earth. She is not a match against me. I have Archie. I'm Queen here and nobody can take it away from me. And especially not a little girl who confesses her sexuality.

Jughead's POV:

I can look at us when I'm in the middle of the corridor with my lips on Betty's lips. With my tongue against her tongue. My skin against her skin. My Betty.

In my eyes I see a familiar redhead boy and a black-haired girl. Clearly, they are here, what had I expected from anars? They are not directly anyone skipping school or even any lesson. They can call them is a first class basic bitch and an idiot to ginger. And Red will get for those he did to Betty. No one should have his hands over my Betty's body. Nobody except I'll get to know her. He had his chance and threw it away. He had the best he could get and threw them away as yesterday's newspaper. And now I have her. My Betty.

I release the contact between our lips and bend me against her ear and whisper: "Now we go" and then I made a chest against the pair further up in the coridor. And she nods. I'm bouncing down and giving her a light kiss. But that kiss I know means more than you think. I grab hold of her hand and drag her with me and let the couple follow us with her eyes while we disappear.

It's time to show her a part of my world. I want her involved in every piece of my world. And I know she wants it, I can see it in her. She is as dark as I am. 

Throughout her life, she has been stuck in a life that does not suit her. Fixed with a facade she could not escape herself. I helped her. Now she is free. And Archie will get a homework about what happens when you touch someone's girl. He will know what happens when you touch a serpent's girl, the next serpent's queen.


1282 words is this hope you likt it and vote on me and read more of my works. 

- Love from me to you. 

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