Our time now

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Betty's POV: 
I want change. Maybe I'm the change. Yes, it's, I'm the change. Or maybe it's jughead that's the change. He changed me. He saw all my darkness before anyone else did what he embraced my darkness. He likes who I am. He likes me and just me. I was stuck with Archie for so long, he made me hate who I was on the inside. But Jughead makes me like myself. And now the change has been made. 

I'm looking into my closet and everything pink. I get hold of one of the shirts closest to me. It's a pink long-sleeved sweater with lace collar. I have to struggle to not laugh out loud. How have I ever agreed to wear them. They are laughing alright.
I bend myself into the closet and pull the box. In the box it is full of daring clothes. My mother would say that hockers should wear them clothes. But I like them. I pull out some plagues and lay them on the floor at my bed. It's a yellow short line closest to me. I take off my clothes and now stand in my black panties and matching bra with lace edge. I pull the linen over my head and let it sit tight against my body. The linen is sitting in the middle of the stomach and it's a deep end so my bra is almost visible. I look good. I knew I had broader hips and bigger breasts than those other girls of my age, but the damn I look good. I take off the linen again and pull the next plague. It's a black dress in black, it looks short. At the top it only has mesh. I put on them. And I was right it was short. It ended up high on my thighs and up until you could see my bra by the mesh fabric. But again again .. I look good. I actually look pretty attractive. But when I see myself in the mirror, I can only think of all the times Archie said nobody would like me. That I was not pretty enough or skinny enough. All the nights his words made me cry. All the times he made me skip meals. All the times he gave me the evil eye if I ate something on Pop's that was fat. He made me feel like I'm never good enough. But jughead makes me feel like I was all that important. He was good to me not Archie. And today he has proved it. I look down on my body. I still have marks over the breasts of his hard grip. 

I shake my head. I do not want to think about him anymore. I never want to think about Archie more.
I take off my clothes and throw them in the same direction as tank. Instead, I pick up another dress. It is short with a deep gap. It is wine red and short. I'll take it on. It goes to the middle of my thighs and is tight. It was amazing on me. I actually like who I am now. Jughead makes me whole. And Archie ... he'll see what he missed. Jah, Veronica must be pretty, but if you're really honest about her, she's not really good at all. She must be Latina but where are the curves? She must wear expensive clothes with a low collar but where is the breasts? You should not wear such clothes if you do not have anything to wear. So when you think about it, it's just a regular, ordinary girl with dad's money. 

Sorry Veronica I've been in your shadow for a long time, it's time for me to shine. And little Archiebald I have not forgotten but believe me I want, and the bastions you are exchanged for a real man. Never again any Barchie (Betty and Archie) and defenitively not something V and B (Veronika and Betty). Now it's time for me to focus on me and of course my Jughead. It's our time now. Their time is over. It's our time and nobody else. I can not believe I let myself be overcome for so long. I can not believe I let people treat me so for so long. It will never happen again. Never.

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