chapter twenty eight: deaky wanted ice cream

481 26 7

sunday, 3:43am

bros before toes

discodeaks: helo

rogahtaylah26: hi

discodeaks: shit i meabnt helpp

freddielovescats: whats wrong

discodeaks: im dumnbb

brianisnotapoodle: are u drunk

discodeaks: no i donbt thinjks so

rogahtaylah26: are u high again

discodeaks: niope

freddielovescats: then why are u typing like that

discodeaks: i difd a stuopijd thinhg anfd it hurtgs

brianisnotapoodle: do i need to call ur mom

rogahtaylah26: deaky whatd u do

discodeaks: punchged a windjow

freddielovescats: u punched a window???

discodeaks: yeajh

rogahtaylah26: are u typing with ur other hand

discodeaks: yebs

brianisnotapoodle: deaky why tf did u punch a window

discodeaks: idk butyt it hurtsd liker helll

brianisnotapoodle: where are u

discodeaks: im at tghe ivce cream placxe wheree freddiew worlks

brianisnotapoodle: ill come get u

freddielovescats: deaky why were u at an ice cream place at 3am

discodeaks: i wanbnted icxe creasm

rogahtaylah26: ur so stupid

discodeaks: i knbow

freddielovescats: if u wanted ice cream why did u punch the window

discodeaks: hehegheegeehegee

freddielovescats: why did u punch the window

discodeaks: tto seee joe

brianisnotapoodle: whos joe

discodeaks: joe mamaaaaa

rogahtaylah26: stop joking around u dumbass

discodeaks: buyt deadassd im bleerdingh a llot

freddielovescats: do u have anything to stop the blood

discodeaks: noper

freddielovescats: then use ur shirt

rogahtaylah26: actually deaky why did u punch the window

discodeaks: i wanbted icew creamn anbd thge placee was closjed so i hafd to breakj in

brianisnotapoodle: deaky im almost there and ur mom is on her way

discodeaks: waity brianb calledf myt momn

brianisnotapoodle: duh, im smart but im not a medical doctor

discodeaks: my momns notg a docbtor

freddielovescats: just dont complain deaks

discodeaks: finneer

rogahtaylah26: lol deakys gonna have to get stitches

discodeaks: awwwqww manj

sorry this chapter is so short lol. I'll try and update more frequently. enjoy this boring chapter! 

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