"It's okay,come on,let's go,the bus might leave us."Taehyung says and both of them carried their bags and wla into the second bus.

When they're in the bus,everyone was looking at Taehyung as if he's a new student.But then a student named Minho suddenly goes to Taehyung with a big smile on his face.

"Hey,Taehyung-ah I have a reserved sit for you,it's near by the window.'Cause I know how much you love to sit near by the window."Minho said and smiles warm and brightly to Taehyung.

Taehyung was still shock on how the boy was acting in front of him but he stop manage to smile at him and refuses.

"Uhh..Sorry Minho but I'm already going to seat besides to Jimin.Sorry.."Taehyung said with an apologetic smile.Yes,He's aware that Minho has a crush on him.But being a nice kid he is,he still smile and talks to him whenever the boy approaces him.

Minho's smile drops and just fake a smile and let them make their way into their seats.

Taehyung sits by the window while Jimin sits near the pathway of the bus.Taehyung gets the thing that he almost forgot earlier in their house.

It was a light pink colored bunny keychain that has a tag that was attached to it,that has Taehyung's name on it.Taehyung suddenly remembers everything,the bus started moving a few minutes ago but Taehyung's mind seems to be occupied.

Occupied about the memories of them..He didn't notice that he was already staring at the bunny keychain and that's where he's tears began to fall without him noticing it.

He can feel his chest clenching,feeling that heavy pain he's been going through for so many years.Jimin suddenly notices it and look to his friend that's crying right now.

"Hey..TaeTae? what's the matter?why are you cryi--"Jimin suddenly stops when he notices the bunny keychain that Taehyung has been holding for almost half of their trip.

"Oh.. I see.. Hush now Taehyungie.. Don't cry now,you'll probably going to be lack of air..Please? don't cry?"Jimin tried to hush and calm his friend,yeah he also knows about the reason on why Taehyung has been crying right now.

Taehyung sniffed and look up to his friend that's been hushing him.Taehyung wipe his tears and gently smile at Jimin.Jimin smiled back and comforts his friend.Good thing he hasn't get back of air because of his crying.

They both just chatting the whole trip,while sometimes Taehyung would just take some pictures from his camera that's been a gift from his parents when he turned 20.

••^°•°•Time Skips•°•°•^••

When they arrived,Taehyung wakes Jimin up that has been sleeping on his shoulders with his mouth open,and his saliva almost dripped from his mouth,that made Taehyung to silently laugh at his friend's look.

"We're already here?Uggghhh!but I still wanna sleeeeeeppppp! Can't it wait until 5 minutes?"Jimin asks feeling annoyed at the same time sleepy because he haven't sleep properly since last night because he was busy on fixing his things.

"Nope,and don't you wanna see Yoongi hyung?I bet he's on the first bus.."Taehyung said and that's when Jimin's face lit up,he combed his hair nicely using his fingers fix up his face.

He turns to Taehyung and asks

"Do I look okay?does my face looks fine?is my eyes not swollen because of sleeping?"Jimin suddenly asks Taehyung while putting some powder on his face.

"Woah,Slow down there Jiminie..Haha, yeah you look great actually.Now go before Ms.Han come and shout at us."Taehyung said and slightly push Jimin out of his seat so that he could get off too.

They both went into their classmates when someone suddenly approaches Taehyung.It's a girl this time.

"Hey Taehyung oppa!Do you want some gimbap?I made it.. It's delicious,you wanna try it?"the named Nancy asks while lending Taehyung her pink launch box but then Taehyung refuses.

"U-Uhm..No thank you Nancy but I already ate gimbap this morning,But thanks for the offer."Taehyung said and smiles warmly at her that made her froze.Yup,Taehyung's smile always catches anyone off guard.

They proceed to walk until they met the entrance of their destination,Gwangsuk Palace,it is one of the most famous palaces in South Korea.It is believed that the other rulers on the 16th century such as the emperors, kings,queens and other royalties believed that they lived in the palace.

Before they enter the palace,they were block by the guard and guardians that takes care of the place,their teacher talks to the one who manages and takes care of the place and then that's when a tour guide appear in front of them.

After he introduces his self,they proceeded to enter the palace,when they enter the palace,Taehyung was amazed and awed by the place.

He quickly took his camera and took some great pictures of the place.He was  taking some good picture of the place when he didn't notice that he was being separated from his classmates.

Jimin suddenly notice that Taehyung was missing on his side so he take a look around and he saw Taehyung was taking some pictures.

"Yah! Taehyung-ssi!c'mon,don't fool around,the crowd was about to leave us.."Jimin said,almost scolding his friend that was busy taking some pictures.

"Yeah,yeah I'll be there in just a sec."he said,still taking some photos.Jimin just let him be since he knew that Taehyung will catch up.

Taehyung didn't notice but the crowd already left him.He was so focused on taking some pictures that he didn't notice it.But then when he was about to took another picture,a purple butterfly suddenly appear on his sight.

He look the butterfly with awe.It was so gorgeous,that when it flew away,Taehyung followed it,without caring on wherever it'll go.

He just followed the butterfly by not noticing that he already went inside the palace's garden.

He still follows the butterfly by not noticing the well on it's way. By on unexpected event,he tripped and fell off the the well.

He kept on yelling while falling into the deep hole,not sure where does this going but then when he fell straight into the ground,

He blacked out.



Okayyy..I hope this chapter turned out well!and not as trashy and crappy as I thought.Please bare with me!^-^

-S.H.L. out!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2019 ⏰

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