aspergers *rack*

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(this is a really long one but the smut is marked off by ** so skip to there if you please)

no pov:

jack picked up the closest thing to him and threw it at the disgusting, half naked man who he used to call his.

jack and cormac had been dating for two years. everyone around them could tell that cormac never loved jack. he loved the sex, the money and the fame. but never jack.

after catching cormac cheating on him for the third time this year, jack had enough.

the remote control missed cormacs face by an inch as he pulled a shirt over his head and ran towards jack, arms outstretched.

although, he didn't hug jack like he usually would. he didn't pull him close and stroke his hair and tell him he's sorry. he didn't beg jack to stay.

his arm raised and fell down twice as fast, catching jack's face with the back of his hand. hard.

jack winced in pain and cupped his cheek, unable to stop the salty tears cascading down his face.

'i'm sick of you jack. i'm sick of the way you get anxious all the time and lock on. i hate the way you're constantly crying. and i hate the way you look at rye. i hate it."

jack couldn't hold back the voilent sobs now jumping from his throat. you see, jack has something called aspergers (a/n: i am not fully confident on how this works so if i get anything wrong please educate me.) and cormac hated him for it.

he was always emotional, always. weather it was sadness, happiness, lust, anger, anything, it was always dramatic.

he was also very cleanly. everything had to be organised. his bed was always laid out the same, he ate the same breakfast of two pieces of toast layered with just butter, a cup of tea with two sugars, the teabag left in for exactly a minute and a half. he had the same morning and nightime routine, and practically all his clothes were the same.

but, the worst thing that came with it, was that jack got locked on all the time. whenever something happened that really upset him, it'll be all be can think about. this usually resorted in him sitting in a ball on the floor, rocking backwards and forwards until someone holds him until he falls asleep.

he didn't know what to do. he just started at cormac, watching the rage in his eyes as he screamed at the the taller boy. jack stayed silent, tears like waterfalls.

"You're fucking useless, duff, and im sick of it. besides, he's a better shag than you anyways."

jack slid down the wall, aware of what was about to happen.


all he could think of was rye as his head locked between his legs and he rocked back and forth, cormacs screaming ringing in his ears.

"rye rye rye rye" he cried out loud and cormac stopped shouting. "rye rye rye" he continued, locking on.

"oh for fuck sake, that's it, cry for your little babysitter" he spat, getting out his phone and dialing rye's number.

it only took 3 minutes before rye was pounding on the door that jack was rocking against. "rye rye rye" jack continued, getting no sympathy or help from cormac, his state getting worse as it went along.

"you're going to have to move angel it's me, rye. come on, move so i can come in. it's okay" rye reassured, as jack shuffled slightly out the way.

it was a tight squeeze but rye managed to get into the house, glaring at cormac who was passing a fag to his new lover in bed.

"i'll deal with you later" rye grunted, staring down cormac.
"rye rye rye" jack continued to cry, his lips now red and raw.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2019 ⏰

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